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Millie's POV

I walked to the front door after hearing a few knocks. It was Sunday morning and my dad already left for work, meaning I was home alone for the rest of the day. I rubbed my eyes and twisted the doorknob, revealing a worried Finn on the other side of the door. He was looking down, but quickly looked back at up when the door opened. He held a single rose in his hand, reminding me of the memories from our first date.


"Millie, please just hear me out. I would never, ever hurt you and I'm so sorry. You're everything to me and it kills me knowing I made you cry for my own selfish reasons."

I slowly shook my head and looked down at the ground. "I just- I don't like feeling like I'm dating a stranger."

"I understand, Mills... can I please come in?"

I moved out of the way and he walked in, handing me the single rose. "I saw this on my way here, thought you might like it."

"Thank you, Finn," I faintly smiled, twisting the stem of the rose between my fingers.

I closed the door and sat down on the couch, Finn sitting down immediately after. We sat close together, but we both sat with our heads down.

"I was really worried about you last night."

"I'm fine now," I said quietly.

"I didn't know where you went and my head was spinning and I just-"

"I'm fine, Finn," I looked over at him, "I just went to Daniella's for a little while."

"By yourself?"

"Yeah, I mean, this guy was there but it doesn't matter."

"Were you guys together?"

"It doesn't even matter, Finn, why are you getting so-"

"It does matter, Millie, it was late and if some random guy was sitting with you then I want to know who it was."

"We just talked, Finn. He seemed like a nice guy and then-"

"Then what?"

I raised my eyebrow small smile spread across my parted lips, shocked at his sudden jealousy. "We talked, Finn. He bought me a drink and we talked, nothing more. He seemed older than me, anyways."

He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, then stopped himself and looked down. "I'm sorry I ju- forget it. I just don't want to lose you, Millie, that's all."

We stayed silent for a few moments until Finn broke the silence once more. "Can we just forget about all of this? I want to go back to being happy, and enjoying our own little happy bubble. I hate fighting with you."

"I'm still stuck on last night, Finn. I forgive you but I just can't do this if we can't talk to each other. I hardly know anything about you," I paused, looking up at his sad eyes, "I can't devote my time to someone I hardly know anything about."

He looked back down and bit his lip, slowly rubbing his hands in his lap. "I want to tell you everything-"

"Then tell me, Finn," I spoke softly.

His head still hung down as he played with his fingers in his lap. "I didn't wanna get you involved..."

"Finn," I grabbed his hand, "please."

He furrowed his eyebrows and licked his lips. "If I tell anyone," he looked up, "I could get into huge trouble, Millie."

"With who?"

He sighed, moving his messy hair away from his face. "I'll tell you. It just- It has to be when nobody else is around," he said quietly.

"McCormick Place?" I suggested.

He looked up and nodded. "Let's do it."


Sophia's POV

"So," Wyatt paused, "Finn was her date."

"Guess so," Jaeden leaned back in the car seat.

"Well what do we do now? We have everything we need," Wyatt looked over at Dane, who slowly tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"We wait."

"I know your fucking kidding," Jaeden chuckled, looking over at Dane.

"Dude, we know exactly where Finn is. Why can't we just get this fucking over with?" Wyatt said, leaning forward.

"Exactly, we can't just fucking pop out of nowhere. We need a plan," Dane responded emotionless.

"What happened to the whole 'as soon as we see him we're gonna fucking kill him' plan?" Jaeden smirked.

"Plans change."

I stayed silent with my head down, not wanting to get anymore involved with the situation.

"So what," Wyatt said, "we follow them around for awhile and then what happens?"

"We get her."

"Her?" Jaeden and Wyatt repeated.

"He's gonna pay for what he did," Dane faced us, "so we're gonna punish him. She's all he has- he'll have nothing if we take her away from him."

I immediately looked up, my heart sinking within seconds.

"So what about Finn?" Wyatt asked.

"We'll worry about him later."

"But Millie didn't do anything wrong," I spoke quietly.

"Yes, we fucking know that, Sophia. But maybe Finn should think twice before he pulls shit like this. If he did, we wouldn't fucking be here right now, would we?"

I looked back down, biting my cheek.

"So now what?" Jaeden cut in.

"We go after Millie," Dane said as he lit a cigarette, putting it against his lips.

A/N- SUPER short chapter, so sorry guys! but don't worry, things are gonna start picking up(: let me know what you guys think!

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