Chapter four

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Amanda's P.O.V

Mostly everyone is here for the final audition. Everyone but, Beth is here. I shrug to myself. It's not my problem that she isn't here.

"Alright. So, You guys have already done your solos. So, I'll give the floor to Miss Kate." Michelle says, stepping back. Kate steps forward and smiles.

"First off, Thank you all for being here! A-Troupe had an amazing group of people last dance season and I hope that this season it will be the same!" She says. "So. Let's continue these auditions with the questions I need to ask everyone."

"Let's start with... Beth." Kate says.

Everyone looks around to see if Beth showed up yet and she's still no where in site.

"Has anyone seen Beth?"

"No." I say.

"Okay.. Well, Let's continue. Daniel." Kate says. Daniel steps forward and smiles at Kate.

"What does dance mean to you?"

"Dance has been my life for as long as I can remember. I think dance means not only competitions and family but, it means that you can make friends and spend a couple of months with the people that you love. Dance to me means Passion" Daniel nods.

Kate smiles and looks at her list. "James"

James steps forward. "Dance to me means... Style. Dance has a lot of styles of dance. And, I love seeing all my friends doing those different styles." James steps back.

Kate nods. "Amanda"

I step forward and look at Michelle then everyone in the room.

"Dance to me means both of what Daniel and James said. But, Adding on to what Daniel said... Dance does have Passion and Style. But, it's also a place to call home." I state. "Even if someone doesn't know how to dance, People that have danced their whole life will teach those people how to do some steps of like lyric or hip-hop. It was like that at Elite.." I say,finishing off.

~skipping a head to when everyone is done answering questions~

"Okay. We have made a decision" Michelle says, posting a list. "Congrats to the people who made it."

I walk up and read the list for my name.

People that made A-Troupe:











Wow. Emily didn't make it. That's a... surprise.

"WHAT?! How did I not make it?!" Emily screams. "I was amazing!"

"Well, first off. You talked very rude to me this morning and second of all, You screamed at Eldon for dating me instead of you! You are just jealous that I'm a way better dancer than you are." Michelle states.

"Oh Whatever!" Emily screams then walks out.

I roll my eyes. Drama Queen.

Tell me that you love me *Third book to the 'Falling for you' series* *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now