Chapter 6

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Eldon's P.O.V

As Michelle and Emily teach us the group dance for regionals, some dude walks in and looks over at Michelle. I don't think she even noticed him untill he called her name... I wonder who the hell this guy is.

Michelle's P.O.V

I look over to my right and notice Hunter standing there looking at me. Shit. Why is he here? He's not supposed to be here for another month! Atleast, that's what his mom told my dad...

"Michelle!" Hunter says, running over to me. He picks me up and spins me around. "I haven't seen you forever!"

I look at him. "...Yeah... It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

He nods and smiles.

Kate looks at me weirdly and points towards her office. I grab Hunter's hand and lean him into her office.

"What are you doing here, Hunter? You weren't supposed to be here untill next month.." I say.

"I know. I wanted to surprise you.." He says, smiling. I honestly don't know what to say right now.

"Hunter, I've moved on... I don't like you anymore... I like Eldon. I have feelings for him..." I say, looking at him. He looks down at his hands and nods.


"Sorry...But, ever since I've gotten into A-Troupe, I've had a crush on Eldon...I just think that it's better off if we stay friends..."

He nods and we walk out together.

"Is everything okay?" Eldon asks me.

"Yeah.. Everything is fine."

"How do you know him?"

"We used to dance together..."

I know I haven't told him everything but, I'll tell him after rehersal...

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Yes.

"Can we just talk about this later? Please?"

He nods then starts walking over to James.

"Yeah... Whatever."

And, thats when I see Emily walking over to Hunter. That spells TROUBLE right there. The two of them... together... That's a nightmare waiting to happen.

~After Practice~

Giselle, James, Chloe and I decided to go to the mall to get dresses and other things for the party James is throwing Riley next week. We all know it's her birthday next week.. She can't hide it. And, nothing, NOT even Hunter or Amanda will ruin it.

"So, What should I get her?" James asks Chloe, Giselle and I.

I shrug. "You guys know her better than I do. I mean, I have been at the studio for a year now but, I don't really think I'll know what you should get her.." Giselle and Chloe nod in agreement with me.

"Yeah. It's your choice on what to get her, James." Chloe says. "Us girls are getting her something together. We're all paying for it. We're spliting up the bill between all of us.."

"What are you buying her?" He asks.

"That's for us to know and for you to find out." Giselle says.

"Oh C'mon!" James says.

We laugh.

"Bye James. Meet you in the food court in an hour." We say, walking off. I actually want to know what he's going to get her. I guess I have to wait.

A/N I am sooo sorry I haven't updated! I've been too focused on waiting for Tonight's Episode of TNS. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!! Okay, So. The next chapter will be birthday shopping for Riley and a little Jiley date before her birthday party. I know it's not actually her birthday on the show but, It's part of what I'm doing for this book. Chapter 8 will be the birthday party and surprise. Chapter 7 will be birthday shopping and the Jiley date. : ) Enjoy! I will update when I can. Maybe again tonight. It deepens!

Tell me that you love me *Third book to the 'Falling for you' series* *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now