Chapter 13

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Emily's P.O.V

It's been two months since Michelle hasn't been at the studio and she'll be coming back today. Even if she's on crutches. I honestly am really upset that she is coming back. That means I can't boss people around. Right now, Most of A-Troupe is in the hospital visiting with Michelle. Everyone but Steph and I went. Stephanie doesn't like Michelle and neither do I. I hate her to be honest. She stole my friends, my spot as captain AND she stole Eldon away from me. This is WHY Hunter and I have come together to help get him and Michelle back as well as Eldon and I back. Steph and I are just hanging out in the studio. Miss Kate comes out and looks at us.

"Aren't you going to visit Michelle? It's her last day in the hospital and she would like to see everyone including you too" Miss Kate says. Steph looks at me and then Miss Kate.

"Michelle stole a lot from Em and I. We think she doesn't deserve our company in the hospital. Even if it is her last day." Steph says.

"Yeah. She stole most of my friends and my spot as dance captain. And, because of her, I lost Eldon. She doesn't deserve my company if she's just going to complain that we're in her hospital room" I say.

"Well, Chris and I are heading out to see her... Stay safe then Guys... We'll be back soon..." Miss Kate and Chris walk out.

Beth walks in. Oh God.

"Hey. Do you guys know where James is?" She asks.

"Nope. Sorry. We don't" I say.

"James is at the hospital visiting Michelle" Steph says. I glare at her and make movements that only Steph understands.

"I mean.. Uh..." Steph says.

"Well, thanks. I really need to talk to him... It's about the competition he's going to with me.." She says, looking at her hands.

"Oh.. Well, I'm sure he's trying to apologize to Riley for what happened between you and him." I say.

"Yeah... You... Broke up "Jiley". You shouldn't have done that, Beth. That was uncalled for! James doesn't like you.. Get over him! He loves Riley. Riley thinks that because he visited your mom in the hospital that he doesn't care about her.. And, thanks to you, A-Troupe is falling apart. Michelle is a good dance captain! She didn't deserve to be in the hospital. YOU DO. And, I'm going to put you in there if you don't want out in the next 5 minutes." Steph says. I look at her completely shocked. I can't believe she just said that. Although, Beth deserves that. Did I just say that? Do I really care for Michelle? Do I care about what Beth did to her? I can't. I hate Michelle. I hate Michelle. I hate- What am I saying? I do care about her. Michelle is honestly like a sister to me. I can't believe I didn't trust her when she first came to the studio. I should've just let her join E-Girls. We should've all been nice to her. Then this wouldn't have happened.

~Flashback to when Michelle first started at A-Troupe and what Emily and the other girls should've done~

"Is this where the A-Troupe auditions are?" This blonde girl says as she walks in. Miss Kate tells us to take five and walks over to her.

"Hi. You must be Michelle. I'm Kate, the studio Owner. And, This is Chris." Michelle smiles at them and then walks into the office. As dance captain, It is my responsibility to welcome the new kids to the studio.

"Hi. I'm Emily" I say, as I walk into the studio. "You must be Michelle."

"Yeah. That's me." She says.

"Well, I just wanted to come and welcome you to the studio" I say, smiling.

"Thank you, Emily." Miss Kate says. "We'll be out there in a moment"

I nod and walk out. Michelle seems really nice. Maybe she should join the E-Girls... I should talk to Stephanie about this.

"Steph... We need to talk" I say, walking over to her.

"What's up, Girly?"

"It's about the new girl.. Michelle. Maybe we should invite her into.. You know.. Our group." I say.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Steph yells. "I don't like her, Em. She sounds like bad news."

"Come on, Steph. You're overreacting. She's really nice and sweet."

"I think we should let her join" Riley says.

"Yeah! We need more people in our group!" Giselle says.

"Well, if she's in, I'm out." Steph says, walking away.

"Okay guys. Listen up. This is Michelle. She will be joining us for A-Troupe auditions." Miss Kate says.

"Hi Everyone. I really hope that I make it into A-Troupe so I can get to know you guys better." Michelle says. Steph rolls her eyes and continues stretching.

"Michelle" I say.

She walks over to me.


"I was wondering if you wanted to join E-Girls." I say, smiling.

"What's that?" She asks.

"E-Girls is a group of Girls that have the letter E in their names. Like, E-mily, Steph-ine, Ril-ey, Tiffan-y, Chlo-e and Giselle. Except, we call Giselle, Ellie because her name doesn't really fit. I was just wondering if you wanted to join the group."

"Yeah. Sure." She says smiling.

"Yay! Meet us in squeeze after Auditions." I say. She nods and walks back over to James, West and Eldon.

~End of Flashback~

It's a couple hours later and everyone walks into the studio, helping Michelle get around. She's walking on crutches. Well, at least she's not in a wheelchair.

"Michelle!" I say, running over to her.

"Look, I am so sorry for being a complete jerk to you from day one. You didn't deserve what the E-Girls did to you. You deserved dance captain. Steph just messed up so I would win and I totally take that back! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry, Michelle! Please forgive me"

Riley's P.O.V

Emily saying sorry to Michelle is weird but, nice. I mean, she wouldn't have done even if Michelle didn't get hurt. I think she had sometime to think about what she has done to Michelle and everyone else in the studio.

"Uh.. It's okay, Em?" Michelle says, nervous.

"Yay!" Em says, going to hug Michelle but, stands back.

"It's okay, Em. You can hug me." Michelle laughs lightly. Emily hugs her and smiles.

"I really hope we can be friends.. And, just to warn you.. Hunter is planning to get you back by challenging Eldon to a dance off... The winner gets you and loser has to back off and not talk to you.." I say.

"WHAT?!" She screams and looks at Hunter then Eldon then Hunter again.


Hunter's eyes get wide and he takes a step back. Eldon laughs quietly to himself but, I can hear him. Well, At least Eldon and Michelle are still together.... "Jiley" is over.... James and I will never get back together....

Tell me that you love me *Third book to the 'Falling for you' series* *Finished*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum