Chapter 22 *1 More Chapter*

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Emily's P.O.V

I feel so bad for putting Hunter in jail. I mean.... Oh never mind. He did it. He's in jail. Which means he doesn't have a solo at Nationals anymore and Eldon gets his solo back.

~Next Day; A-Troupe is at Emily and Riley's Place~

"Okay, So. Let's work on the group routine then, Eldon, you can work on your solo" Michelle says. I nod in agreement with her.

"Michelle, You should also work on your solo.." I say.

"Yeah. I should. It's been a while since I've worked on it.." She says.

"Um..." Riley speaks up. "About the duet... James and I have talked it over and we want to give our duet placement to Michelle and Eldon. You guys get along better than James and I do right now. And, Miss Kate talked it over with us. If you don't want to do the duet, then Giselle and Thaila can have it." She says.

Michelle's P.O.V

"But, Why do you want Eldon and I to have the duet? We already stated that we can't work together." I say.

"Then, Giselle and Thaila can have it. I'm done talking about this." Riley walks upstairs. Emily sighs and follows her.

"Riles, Slow down!" Emily calls after Riley.

Eldon walks over to me.

"So, you don't want the duet with me?" He asks.

"Well, I do. It's just... I thought we didn't want to do the duet... You know... I mean, Nationals is right around the corner... We can't possibly come up with something in 6 days...." I say, looking at my hands.

He nods,

"True. But, what if we got James and Riley to teach us their dance..."

"Hmmm..." I look over at James who is talking to Giselle and Thaila.

"That's a good idea, Eldon." I say, smiling.

Eldon and I are slowly growing closer again... It's a nice feeling...

He nods and walks over to James.

Eldon's P.O.V

"Hey James." I say.

"Hey Eldon." He says.

"Can you do Michelle and I a favor?" I ask.

"What's the favor?" He asks.

"Teach us the duet that you and Riley came up with for Nationals." I say.

He thinks for about a minute then replies,

"Sure. But, get Michelle to talk Riley into it. She won't talkto me at all." James says.

"Okay. Will do. Thanks, bud." I say.

He smiles and goes back to talking to Giselle and Thaila.

I walk over to Michelle and tell her to go talk to Riley.

Riley's P.O.V

"Emily, Go away. I dont want to talk." I say, when I hear a knock on my bedroom door. James and I broke up months ago and Kate is making us do the nationals duet. James and I did talk it over with her and Kate decided that it's probably best to give it to Michelle and Eldon.

"It's not Emily.. It's Michelle. Can we talk about the duet?" She asks.

"Fine." I say.

"We just need James AND You to teach Eldon and I the dance. You can work with me and me only and James will work with Eldon and Eldon only.." she says.

"Okay. It's a deal. But, Don't make me talk to James... Please." I say.

"I won't. I promise. Come on. We have group rehearsal." She says.

"I'll be down in a minute.." I say.

Maybe.. Maybe breaking up with James over something that stupid was a mistake... Maybe we would still have a good relationship if we were still together.. Maybe we should talk through our problems and do the nationals duet...

A/N Hehehe. There's the second last chapter to this book! The fourth book preview might be posted tonight.. If not, then tomorrow. Well, I'm going to go study for my science exam.. Bye guys.

Tell me that you love me *Third book to the 'Falling for you' series* *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now