Chapter 11

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Michelle's P.O.V

Riley is no where to be seen. Eldon walks over to me.

"Have you seen Riley at all?" He asks.

"No. I haven't. This isn't like her. She should be here." I say. He nods.

"Well, Let's go ask James if he saw her. Maybe he did."


Eldon and I walk over to James. James looks at us with a worried look.

"Where's Riley?" He says. "I'm worried about her..."

"When did you last see her?" I ask.

"2 weeks ago. We had wedding rehersals. And, ever since then, she didn't want to see me."

"Did you hurt her, James?"

"Hurt her? Why would I hurt her?"

"I dont know... I saw Emily's status about you and Beth hugging in Studio A two weeks ago. Maybe that's why she's gone... Or, not here." Eldon says.

"I told her that Beth's mom was in the hospital and that was the only reason why I was talking to her."

"Well.. I'll see if she'll answer her phone. One sec." I say, pulling out my phone to dial Riley's number.

"Hello?" Riley says into the phone. It sounds like she's been crying.

"Riley? Are you okay?" I ask.

"No." She says, sobbing into the phone.

"What's wrong? Was it something that James did?" I ask.

"HEY!" James yells. "I did nothing!"

"Yes you did!" Riley shouts. "I saw you with Beth. You weren't comforting her... YOU WERE KISSING HER!" Now, Riley is really upset.

"Woah. No need to yell in my ear." I say.

"Sorry... Put me on speaker please.."

"Okay. You're on speaker. I have Eldon with me too.." I say.

"Riley, We didn't kiss. I swear." James says.

"Whatever. Save it James. I was so happy for this day to come and now that it's here, I realized I made a mistake.. I don't want to marry you James. You have feelings for Beth. Strong feelings. You've been seen by Chloe, Stephanie, Tiffany, West AND My sister. Just... Stop talking to me.. I have to go... Bye Michelle. Bye Eldon." And, with that, the line goes dead.

I glare at James then hit his arm.

"How could you?!" I yell.

"Babe, Calm down." Eldon says, trying to relax me. But, I can't be relaxed. Riley has been  like a sister to me through everything. From the beginning..

"I can't calm down when one of my closest friends is sad!" I state.

"Oh.. By the way... OWWWWWWWWWWWW!" James says.

"You deserve it!" I say.

"Why?" He says.

"URGH! You should know why!" I say, walking away from him. Chloe, Stephanie and Tiffany see me walk away in anger.

"Michelle... What's wrong?" Chloe asks.

"Riley ran away because Emily and you guys saw James with Beth. She's calling off the wedding." I say, calmly. "I'm going to look for her." I say, walking outside. Chloe follows me.

"Let me come." She says.

"Really?" I say, half smiling. She nods and smiles softly.

"Riley's like a sister to me." She says. "She really needs us more than anyone right now."

Tell me that you love me *Third book to the 'Falling for you' series* *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now