01. "𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚜 & 𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜".

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The first thing we look at when we're book searching is the title and the cover. A title creates anticipation and expectation and sometimes disinterest. The title is what will determine whether or not someone reads your story. Finding a good title sounds easy but I can admit, it's hard.

1. Your title should relate to your story.
Please don't have no damn book about a teenage romance in the city and call it some shit like "Grown-Folk Love".

2. Your title shouldn't be your damn story.
I know, some of y'all looked at that sentence like it didn't make sense, but what I mean is these shits right here,
"I Fell In Love With My Best Friend"
"Kidnapped And Fell In Love"

Bitch, do you understand you just told me what your whole book is about in less than eight words—I'm no longer interested, the fuck?

3. Your title should be original.
That means if I type in your book-title in the search-bar, I shouldn't see "Thug Love" pop up forty-five different times.

4. Names are safe. Boring, but safe.
I mean, it relates to the story, and it's original because it shouldn't be another book out there called, "Zakiyah & Jermaine", but don't make it a habit of having names for all your damn books.


Now, at least once in our Wattpad life, we've heard of the famous, well known quote, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

You believe that shit, you a damn fool.

This shit pertains to the urban fiction side of Wattpad as well the other side of Wattpad when I say that a book cover is just as important as the writing in your book.

Like I said before, the first thing we look at when we're book searching is the title and the cover. If the cover doesn't strike enough attention, it will be dismissed for something more appealing. I don't know how many times I straight up skipped a opportunity (and I say "opportunity" loosely and lightly) to read a book because somebody decided to just go in Google, type in "relationship goals", find a picture of India Westbrook and Ron Robinson, slap that under that "Add Cover" link and call it a day.

When you don't even put in effort to present a decent cover, (not no damn over the top ass cover, but a damn decent cover) what makes you believe I think you put some effort in your writing? The cover is the billboard for the book, and the purpose of a billboard is to capture peoples' attention, creating awareness not necessarily for impact, but to broadcast and have them engage in the source, in this case, the "source" being the book and "engage" being press Read or Continue. And I know the opinions of many ignorant people will be brought up,

"I don't know how to make covers at all."

"It's hard to make covers look real good."

"But it's just Wattpad, this isn't the real publishing industry, so putting in effort for these covers is pointless."

I don't know how to make covers either, and trust me when I tell you I know how hard it is to make a cover look real good, but I still got and will get covers though, and my ass ain't making them either.

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