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Well, this is the end of Urban Fiction: The Do's And Please Dont's. I honestly hope I gave y'all a good laugh, some pointers and advice, and most of all, taught ya' something you didn't know before. I have other Urban Fiction guides as well if you wanna' check them out.

Urban Fiction: Book Reviews—❝A critique book on Urban Fiction book reviews with analyses and my thoughts on what your book is lacking or has, as well as giving you pointers, tips and advice on how to improve your piece.❞

Urban Fiction: Book Recommendations—❝Some of the best Urban Fiction books I've read on Wattpad recommended by me.❞

Urban Fiction: Interviews—❝A book filled with questions answered from your favorite Urban Fiction authors and authoresses.❞

Urban Fiction: Prompts & Anthologies—❝Collections of short stories and one shot entries from various urban writers.❞

Urban Fiction: Contest & Awards—❝Urban Fiction competitions with rewards and awards to honor the individuals who've made significant contributions with their works under the Urban Fiction genre.❞

Urban Fiction: Imagines—❝A collection of random snippets from some of my future novels, one-shot storylines that probably won't be published ever, random ideas that may be get that chance to be posted, and certain requests from readers that I plan to take on.❞



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Much appreciated! 💛

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