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"Via, meet Anna and Rowan

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"Via, meet Anna and Rowan. Guys, this is my best friend and cellmate, Octavia," Cass introduces. "I'm only allowed to call her Via."

Anna and Rowan introduced themselves to Octavia, and things started going smoothly. Octavia and Anna began bonding over annoying guys and how rude men could be, while Rowan began interjecting and trying to prove himself a good person. During the conversation, Cass overheard the conversation the boy and Clarke were having about going to Mount Weather, and Octavia must've overheard, for she jumped into the conversation. "Sounds like a plan, make that five." She says.

"Count me in as six." Cass joins. "If she goes, I go."

Footsteps were heard from behind, and the group turned around. "What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy asks.

"Going on a walk." Octavia states, as if it was obvious.

The conversation was cut dead when Clarke suddenly spoke to the long haired boy. "Were you trying to take this off?" She asks him, the noticeable dent and scratch marks prominent in the sun.

"Yeah," he says. "So?"

"'So'?" Clarke quotes. "This wristband transmits your vital signs to the Ark. Take it off and they think you're dead."

"Should I care?" He asks. At his words, Cass began looking at her wristband. Taking it off could be payback for what happened to her, for arresting her. But then, Titus would think that she's dead.

"Well, I don't know," Clarke states. "Do you want the people you love to think your dead?" She asks him. "Do you want the people you love to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying."

Cass began to stare at her own wristband, glancing at its color and shape as a heavy sigh left her pink lips. It's almost like Clarke was reading her mind, the idea of the loved ones not coming if they think that they're all dead or dying. When moving her brown eyes up from her wristband, she looked around and noticed Bellamy. Cass took note that he looked like he was thinking, but it didn't bother her that much. What's he gonna do about it, anyway? "Okay," Clarke says to break the silence among them. "Now lets go."

The group began walking, but Octavia put a hand out to stop Cass. "Can you stay here?" She asks.

The brunette furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at her friend, laughing softly. "Why?"

Cass watched as Octavia sighed a bit, subtly gesturing to her older brother. "Someone needs to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy."

A small laugh followed Octavia's words before she sighed heavily, nodding a bit. "Yeah, fine." She agrees reluctantly, hugging her friend back when she felt her arms go around her in a hug.

"Thank you!" She says before releasing her friend from the hug, smiling before rushing back to join the rest of the group.


Offering her help, Wells and Cass began to gather some wood. For one hundred and one people, they were going to need a big fire. It was silent between the two, but they would exchange a few jokes, tell small stories about their life, it was fine for the most part.

Dropping some wood into the started pile, Cass and Wells began to rub their hands against their pants in an attempt to release any sort of tension before hearing a voice speak. "Find any water yet?"

"No, not yet," Wells answered. "But-"

Noticing he had cut himself off, Cass turned and noticed Wells was looking at the boy from earlier, the boy who had tripped Wells and who broke his ankle.

"I'm going back out if you want to come..." he trailed off as he looked over at Cass.

At first, she was confused. Was there something on her? Did he want her to tell him something? Then, she realizes, it was something behind her. So, she turned around and noticed what was carved into the side of the drop ship. "'First son, first to'...'dye'?" She read aloud, looking over at the boy as him and his friend began snickering.

Cass and Wells turned back to him, Cass wearing an expression that read "seriously?" before crossing her arms over her chest.

"You know," the boy began. "My father, he begged for mercy in the air lock chamber when your father floated him."

That seemed to be enough for Wells, for he dropped the final stick in his hand before shoving his way past the boy. "You spelled die wrong." He snapped. "Geniuses!"

The boy glared at him before turning back to Cass, the brunette shaking her head and scoffed at him. "Seriously? How immature can you get?"

Before he could reply, the boy and Cass caught Bellamy making their way over to them and a sense of pride flourishing through her, as she had the last word. "If you're gonna kill someone, it's probably best not to announce it." He suggests, Cass pinching her eyebrows together in confusion.

The boy smirked a bit, shaking his head a little before looking up at Bellamy. "You're not really a member of the guard, are you?"

"Whatever he is, is none of your damn business, dickhead." Cass snapped back, the boys turning and looking at Cass as if she had just shown up.

"If I was," Bellamy says, his eyes kept on Cass's for a little while longer before looking back at the boys. "Then the others will be here soon if we don't find a way to stop it." He briefly pauses. "You don't actually think they're going to forgive your crimes." He once again pauses, letting his words settle among the boys and Cass. "Even if they do, then what? People like us, we become model citizens now? Get jobs? If we're lucky, pick up their trash?"

"You got a point?" The kid next to the brown haired boy asked.

"No, but I got a question," Bellamy replied calmly, Cass shifting on her feet. She was intrigued, yet a little worried. "They locked you up, dumped you down here like lab rats to die. So why are you helping them?"

Anger filled the other boy, he shuffled. "The hell we are!"

"You're wearing those bracelets, aren't you?" He used his eyes to gesture to our wristbands. "Right now, those things are telling them whether or not it's safe for the, to follow us down here."

"Okay, say we can stop it," the brown haired boy began. "How?"

He pursed his lips together slightly before beginning to answer. "Take them off."

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