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Walking into the tent, Cass noticed Clarke with a pack around her shoulders

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Walking into the tent, Cass noticed Clarke with a pack around her shoulders. Operation Saving Jasper was a go, and Cass wanted in on it. Sure, she might not be as smart or as tough as the others, but she sure as hell knew a few things. For example, how to tell a trap from the actual ground. She studied traps whenever she would be hid in the ceiling, it kept her occupied while hiding. Walking up to Clarke, she sighed heavily. "I'm going, whether you like it or not." She said.

The blonde turned to face Clarke, her face contorted in some sort of state in between surprise and confusion. "Wh-You? Why?"

She wasn't sure why, if there was a motive, but one idea was clear in her head. "Jasper is one of our people, no man gets left behind if we can help it." Cass answers, her shoulders shrugging as her hands slid down to her pockets within her jeans. "When do we leave?"

"As soon as we can." She answered, Cass smiling in reply.

Clarke nodded, turning around as she looked towards Spacewalker, Cass later learning that his name was Finn. "You ready?" She asks him.

Finn huffed in reply. "I'm not going anywhere," he answers. "And neither should any of you. That spear was thrown with pin-point accuracy from three hundred feet."

"So what?" Monty asks, still not convinced that they shouldn't go. "We let Jasper die?"

"That's not gonna happen." Clarke reassures Monty, Cass putting a comforting hand on his shoulder before turning to look at him.

"Jasper won't die. I give you my word." She tells him, both of them exchanging a sad smile before she looked back at the drama unfolding.

Clarke turns back to look at Finn, Cass picking up on the hope in her voice as she speaks. "Spacewalker?" She begins, shaking her head. "What a joke."

So, maybe it wasn't exactly hope.

"You think you're such an adventurer, but you're really just a coward." Cass couldn't help the small "o" her mouth formed at her words, shrugging her shoulders a bit as she looked over at Finn while nodding her head.

Finn scoffs at her words, Cass crossing her arms over her lower chest. "It's not an adventure, Clarke," he argues. "It's a suicide mission."

This time, Cass scoffed at his words, her head shaking slightly as her eyes found his. "The Ark sent us on a suicide mission, we're just filling out their wishes." She argues.

Clarke shook her head, as well, before gathering the rest of her pack and marching outside, leaving the rest of them within the cool yet sweaty atmosphere of the drop ship. Wells began approaching Finn, Cass looking nervously at the injured boy. "Build a wall." He suggests to Finn, his voice hard. "Use the fallen trees. I'll watch out for her."

Wells then began following Clarke, now only leaving the three. Cass uneasily shuffled in her spot, looking at Finn with an unnoticeable glare. "You're leaving one of our own to die," she spats, marching angrily past him before purposefully hitting his shoulder roughly when she marches past him. "Jasper's blood is on your hands."

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