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Cass was strongly against the idea of Bellamy checking to see if the fog was clear, but he did it anyway

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Cass was strongly against the idea of Bellamy checking to see if the fog was clear, but he did it anyway. Charlotte and Cass hung back, waiting to see if anything were to happen. Luckily, he was still standing and breathing. "It's clear." He calls.

Charlotte and Cass step out from inside the cave, looking around at the area. It almost looked like nothing had happened, like there was no strange fog. Charlotte gave Cass a worried look, Cass passing that look on to Bellamy.he had no one to give the look to, so he turned and looked out at the woods instead. "Anyone out there?" He yells, his voice echoing from the dark cave behind them. "Jones!"

A faint "we're here!" could be heard east of them, the trio snapping their heads in that direction. Deciding they had no where else to go, Bellamy brushing against Cass's shoulder as he began making his way towards the rest of the hunting party, Charlotte following soon after Cass.

Luckily, the three of them ran into Jones and two others. So far, all lives were accounted for. All but Adam. The guilt was still unnerving in the brunette's chest. She should've saved him, she should be the one who's missing, not him. "Lost you in the stew," Bellamy said once they reunited with Jones, "where'd you go?"

"Made it to a cave down there," Jones replied, pointing behind him before looking back to Bellamy, "what the hell was that?"

"I don't know," Bellamy answered honestly, "where's Adam?"

Jones a look with the other two on his side, looking back at Bellamy. A sudden fear dawned on them both, and Cass watched it. Adam was missing, just as she had predicted.

The groups had spread out, everyone looking around for the lost boy. Cass has retraced her steps, looking around for a sign that Adam was nearby, or even still alive. She had been coming up on dry patches, no signs of him, before a shrill scream rose up from within the woods. Racing towards the scream, the Arsen girl gasped slightly as she came across the sight.

Adam was red all over, his mouth was bleeding and his skin was covered in, what looked like, a severe case of welts. Cass identified the scream, seeing Charlotte with a traumatized expression before grabbing the poor girl and pulling her into an embrace. She began to shush the girl with soft hushes, gently stroking her hair slowly before looking up at Bellamy as he made his way over. They both knew what had to be done: someone had to end Adam's suffering, and no way in hell was it going to be Cass.

"Son of a bitch," Bellamy whispered, racing to Adam's side, "Adam!"

Cass released Charlotte from the embrace, feeling the girl's shaking had stopped. She looked on as Bellamy knelt beside Adam, who was fighting for his life. "Bell, I don't think we can do anything for him." She says softly.

The look Bellamy gave her was enough to keep her silent. His eyes said that he was determined to save him, but Cass could read through it. He was scared, Adam was going to die either way. It looked like Adam was trying to say something, and Cass couldn't really make it out. But, she managed to faintly hear the dying boy's plead. Kill me.

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