Chapter 3

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Jason's POV •

     My sister, Thalia, had to literally drag me out of bed today for my first day at Goode High. I swear, it felt like 3:00 in the morning, but it was just my jetlag. I had to move here to New York from Los Angeles, for "family" reasons. Long story short, my step-mother is a lunatic. So now I'm currently living with Thal and our mother.

     First period wasn't so bad. My teacher is Jamaican, I made a few friends, and a group of girls in the back kept checking me out. Too bad they don't know I'm gay.

     Yup, I'm gay.

     Only Thalia knows this, and I don't really plan on coming out. I'm not scared or anything, I just like to keep things low. Plus, it's my first day, and I'm not just going to tell everyone I'm gay.

time skip to lunch~~~

     "Any friends?" Thalia asked me as we walked to lunch.

     "Uh, yeah." I said, looking forward.

     "Do you like anyone?" She nudged my shoulder and raised an eyebrow.

     I stopped and looked at her, slightly, just slightly, blushing. "No." I said quietly.

     Thalia's pale face burst into a smile. "Oh my god! Jason! Who is it?!" She tugged on my jacket sleeve tightly.

     "Shut. Up." I smiled. "I don't even know his name, so it's no biggy."

     "Mhm. Tell me if you see him in the cafeteria." We walked over to a table with a blonde girl, sitting next to a guy with a perfect tan with dark hair, a Victoria's-Secret-like model girl, a pale kid with dark circles around his eyes, and next to him sat a scrawny brown-haired boy who I recognized was in my first period.

     Thalia introduced me to everyone, and thankfully, they're so kind. I also found out that Leo and Nico are happily together, the model's name is Piper, the blonde girl was Annabeth, Percy Jackson's best friend. To me, it looked like Percy likes Annabeth, but that's just me.

     In fifth period, which was science, I ended up having Percy in my class. The teacher, Mr. Welsh, let me sit in Percy's pod (a group of desks), and we would get several warnings for talking. But I couldn't care less, it was nice talking to Percy. He was different from others, he has stories to tell and to let be heard. He fascinated me in ways that not even the universe could beat.

     Perhaps we could be friends. Good friends. Best friends. He made me laugh, and I felt comfortable around him. I didn't have to be a fakeass around him. And plus, his smile. Hot damn, his smile.

     "Today, class, we will begin our unit on meiosis." Mr. Welsh wrote "Meiosis" on the whiteboard.

     The class murmured and moaned. The only thing I remember about meiosis is that it involves sex. I slightly smiled, I would.

     Mr. Welsh went on and on talking about prophase, telophase, this phase and that phase. I looked around and saw my classmates scribbling down notes, and I should probably do to. Eh, why bother, I can't even read my own handwriting. I glanced over at Percy, who was propping his head up with his elbow, and he looked like he could fall asleep any second. I couldn't blame him, I could use a nap too.

     After twenty minutes of endless talking about cytokinesis, Mr. Welsh said, "Due next week, you and a partner will have to make a rap or song about the stages and phases of meiosis. It will be worth half of your grade."

     "Shit." I cursed under my breath. Maybe it was a good idea to take a few notes. Percy sat up quickly, zoning back in.

     "And you will be able to choose your partners." Mr. Welsh said.

     I looked over at Percy, and he looked up at me with a smirk on his face. The bell rang right above me, making me jump a little. Percy chuckled and walked over to me.

     "Did you take any notes, Superman?" He asked as we started to walk out the door.

     "Superman?" I smiled while asking.

     "Yeah, Superman. That's my nickname for you, 'cause you look like Clark Kent. Except, you're like a blonde version."

     "Oh, okay." I replied. I took a liking to my new name, "Superman".

     "So... did you take notes?" Percy repeated his previous question.

     "Oh, uh, no." I said.

     "Fuck." Percy said. "Well, at least we have Google."

     "Thank goodness for Google." I smiled.

     "Yeah, so I guess I'll see you 'round." Percy waved goodbye and walked away in the crowd of students.

time skip to after school~~~

     Thalia and I drove home in my car, and she insisted that she play her music through the stereo. Some of the bands I remember her mention were Suicide Silence and Bring Me The Horizon, and I couldn't barely make out a word they were singing no, screaming.

     I turned the keys in our door and entered to the sweet smell of our mother baking apple pie. I trotted into the kitchen and pecked her on the cheek.

     "Hey mom." I said.

     "Hey, honey, how was school?" She responded as he opened the oven. Warmth came from the oven, and the aroma of cinnamon and apples filled the air surrounding us.

     "It was good." I looked around the fridge for some leftovers to eat, because school food was never filling.

     "Good." She said happily as she placed the hot pie on the stove. My mom is a really happy person. There has never been a day when I've seen her gloom in doom. Except when my father left... but that's a touchy subject. My mom turned to alcohol, and soon became addicted. But two years ago, she quit, and now she's better than ever.

     "Did you make any friends?" She leaned against the counter top.

     "Yeah. Percy and Annabeth. Leo and Nico. And Piper." I popped open a can of Pepsi and leaned against the fridge.

     "Oo, Piper. Is she cute?" She teased.

     I slightly rolled my eyes. "No, mom. She's just a friend." I took a long gulp and felt the little fizzies travel down my throat.

     "Ah, I see." She turned around to check her pie. "Hey, Thal?"

     Thalia was sitting on one of the barstools, leaning on the nook. She was rapidly texting, probably Annabeth, her secret crush (Yeah, Thalia's bi), and her earbuds stuck out of her ears, blaring out her metal. She didn't hear mom, as usual, so my mom ran her fingers under the faucet and flicked water onto Thalia.

     "Woah! What?" Thaila quickly pulled out her ear phones and looked at her mother, wide-eyed.

     "Can you put the laundry in the dryer?" She asked.

     Thalia rolled her eyes and placed her phone in her back pocket and zombied to the laundry room.

     Mom shook her head and went to slicing her pie.

     "I'm gonna be in my room." I informed as I made my way to the stairs.

     "Okay, I'll be eating pie." She smiled and put a forkfull in her mouth.


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