Chapter 10

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Nico's POV •

     "C'mon babe, it'll be fun!" I pulled on Leo's arm, who was refusing to get up from my bed.

     "No." He said into the bedspread.

     "Whyyy?" I whined, now sitting on top of him.

     He looked up at me with his big brown eyes. I stared back at him, playing the puppy-dog card. He squinted his eyes, and I did the same to imitate him. He moaned and buried his face once again under the covers. I sighed deeply and lie on top of him. I wasn't scared of smushing him, since we're fairly the same size, but our warmth was oh so comfortable. I wouldn't mind staying home with Leo and cuddle the day away, but I thought it was nice to go out every so often. We don't do it much, and this was an opportunity.

     I nestled my head in the crook of his neck, my nose against his neck and my lips brushing his collarbone.

     "Please?" I whispered.

     Leo took a deep breath and was silent for a few seconds, looking me dead in the eyes. Then, a sly smile spread across his lips.

     "Fine." He said, finally.

      I smiled and kissed him. "I knew you'd give in eventually, like always."

     "I don't always give in." He refused.

     I glared at him, half smiling.

     "Okay, maybe a little bit." He admitted.

     I got up and off of him and unplugged my laptop, setting it on my lap. Leo sat up next to me, leaning on the backboard of the bed. I rested my head on his shoulder, and opened tumblr.

     "Of course." Leo commented.

     "Don't judge me." I said as I reblogged away.

     We spent the next few hours goofing off on Photo Booth, laughing our asses off, and stealing kisses from each other. I'd occasionally look over at Leo, admiring his facial features; the crinkles by his eyes every time he smiles, his one and only dimple on his left cheek, and how his bangs never find a way to rest on his forehead.

     "What?" He caught me looking at him.

     "Nothing. I was" I said, unable to finish my statement.

     "What?" He laughed.

     "I'm just so proud we're together." I said, not taking my eyes off of him.

     "Aw." He brushed his hand against my jawline and brought me to him for a short, sweet kiss. "I am too."

     I smiled and looked over at the time.

     "We should get ready." I said as I jumped out of bed. Leo stayed in the covers, watching as I pulled on a sweatshirt.

     "But I wanna stay and cuddle." Leo complained.

     "We're not going through this again." I said checking myself in the mirror.

     "Ugh, fine." He then got out of bed and got dressed.

     We arrived at Jason and Thalia's house, and only Jason's car was in the drive. The sun has just finished setting, with a cool brisk in the air. We knocked on the door, and heard a "Come in!" from the interior. When we walked in, Percy and Jason were playing video games on the couch.

     "We could've been robbers, and you wouldn't even bother to see who it was." I said, closing the door behind me.

     Jason and Percy shrugged, keeping their eyes on the screen. I noticed that they were playing Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, and Jason was beating Percy's ass.

     "So, uh, where is everyone?" I asked, taking a seat on one of the sofas.

     "Piper and Annabeth are on their way, and Thalia went to go grab some chips and such." Jason informed.

     "'And such'?" Leo asked.

     Jason shrugged. "That's what she told us."

     The T.V screen read "FATALITY" on Percy's side, and Percy dropped his controller.

     "You cheated!" Percy yelled.

     "No, Jackson, you just suck." Jason reasoned.

     "Whatever. It's just a game." Percy crossed his arms and sat back.

     "You guys are so childish." Said Annabeth who just walked through the door without knocking. Piper came in behind her, wearing a messy bun and an over-sized sweatshirt.

     "Says the one who couldn't calm down during Divergent." Percy sassed.

     Piper gasped. "You guys saw Divergent?!"

     "Yes! Best movie ever!" Annabeth beamed.

     "OMG I KNOW!" Piper agreed. They both fangirled on, and I didn't even bother to listen.

     "So, life?" Jason asked, lifting his legs onto the coffee table and leaning back on the couch.

      Leo shrugged and Percy scrolled through Instagram. He took a picture of the whole scene, and then quickly typed a caption right after. I checked my phone to see what it was, and he typed "These fucks #imhungry". Ugh, can we just talk about how fabulous I look in the picture (as always). I like the photo and put my phone away.

      For the next five minutes, we all just sat around and talked about funny Vines. Annabeth asked where Thalia was, and we told her that she was getting us "chips and such". Percy never took his hands off of his phone, which isn't a surprise. I guess his Instagram is like my Tumblr.

     We heard a shuffling at the door of plastic and paper bags. Thalia stood at the door with her hands full of various chips, and various types of liquor, which doesn't surprise me at all.

     "How even?" Jason asked.

     "I know a guy." Thalia smiled. She set the bags on the coffee table. "And there's more where that came from."

     "You know we could get in trouble?" Annabeth asked, worried.

     Only Annabeth.

     Thalia shrugged and closed the door. "Who cares? Let's get this party started."


ooooooh, it's gettin' spicy tonighttt


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