Chapter 12

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• Leo's POV •

     Thanksgiving break has just started, and I was granted permission to stay at Nico's all week. I kinda feel bad for leaving my mother alone during Thanksgiving, but who am I kidding, she wouldn't feed me anyway.

     "Hey, wanna go for a walk?" Nico asked as he closed his laptop.

     "Sure. It's a little chilly though." I sat up from his lap.

     "That's why people invented sweaters, babe." He said.

     I shrugged. "Can I borrow one of yours?"

     "Why can't you use yours?" He asked as he pulled a band sweatshirt over his head.

     "Cause I like yours better." I said. He tossed me a sweater that was resting on his computer chair and it turned out to be my favorite out of all of his, a black one with the Batman logo on the front. I pulled it over my shirt and deeply inhaled his scent of vanilla. Ah, pure heaven.

     "Smells good?" Nico laughed. He must've seen the face I made. I smiled and nodded. He then wrapped me in his arms tightly, and we stayed standing for a minute or so.

     "Um, can we go now?" I asked, letting go.

     "Yeah." Nico put his wallet in his jacket pocket.

     "Why are you bringing your wallet?" I questioned.

     My boyfriend shrugged. "You never know."

     "Oh no, we're not getting weed, are we?" I put my hand on my hip.

     Nico smiled his rare smile. "No, not today." He kissed my forehead and walked out of his room.

     "We're going for a walk, Darley!!" Nico called into the kitchen.

     "Okay! Stay out of trouble!" She warned.

     Nico laughed sarcastically and walked outside. The November air was crisp, and leaves of brown and orange scattered the ground. We intertwined our fingers together and made a right turn down his drive.

     "So, where are we going?" I asked as I swung his arm.

     Nico shrugged. "Wherever we end up."

     "OMG Let's walk to Hawaii." I said cheerfully.

     Nico laughed. "Babe, I think we both know that its physically impossible to walk to Hawaii."

     "Well, let's fly then. Grow a pair, and we'll go!" I nudged his shoulder.

     He stopped walking and looked at me in a confused manner.

     "I meant grow a pair of wings." I explained.

     "Oh! Ha, okay." He laughed.

     We ended up walking around the park, and we crashed onto a bench and talked about everything. My hand held his, which was cold as ice, and I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

     "You wanna get tattoos?" Nico asked out of silence.

     "Tattoos? Like, permanent?" I asked, lifting my head up.


     "But we're not 'of age'." I said.

     "I know that, but I know a guy." Nico smirked.

     "Of course you do." I said.


      We walked to a tattoo and piercing parlor called Matt's Tatts. The parking lot was vacant, and a flashing OPEN sign was blinking from inside. The inside was warm, and it smelled of cigarettes. It was dark, and black lights were hidden, making neon colors appear in random places. Rock music was playing from hidden speakers, and there was a table full of Matt's Tatts merchandise.

     "Hey, Matthew!" Nico greeted the tatted man at the desk.

     Matt looked up. "Nico! Hey! How's it going?"

     "Great." He went to go shake the man's hand, who had a firm grip.

     "Who's this?" Matt gestured to me.

     "Oh, this is Leo, he's my boyfriend." Nico introduced me, and I shook his hand.

     "Matt is a family friend." Nico explained to me.

     "It's nice to meet you." I said to Matthew.

     "Yeah, so what can I do for you guys?" Matt leaned up against the front desk.

     "Well, we were thinking of getting tattoos." Nico said.

     "Is your mom okay with it?" He asked.

     "Ha, do you think I care, Matt?" Nico laughed.

     "True... Come." He gestured for us to follow. We did as so, and he lead us to a room in the back. I squeezed Nico's hand tightly, preparing myself for what I've gotten into.

     The tattooing experience wasn't so bad, for Nico. When I watched him getting his done first, he looked completely calm, like he's gotten dozens of tattoos before. As for me, it was pure pain. I was squeezing Nico's hand so tight, that I think I might've cut his circulation. But in the end, we were both satisfied with "Valdangelo" on our wrists.

eh, its short, I know.

don't kill me.


p.s I didn't even bother to re-read it, so don't point out any typos, please.

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