Chapter 13

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• Jason's POV •

rewind to before Thanksgiving break~~~

     Everyone at school has been giving me weird looks and it's making me feel uncomfortable. Did I do something wrong? Did I say anything I shouldn't have said? But then it came to me:

     Percy Jackson kissed me.

     Or did I kiss him? I can't remember.

     I have no fucking clue how I just remembered this right now.

     Wait, is Percy gay too?

     A thousand different thoughts fluttered in my mind. How drunk was I? How drunk was he? I am so going to beat up Thalia when we get home. But on the other hand.. I'm going to admit that I enjoyed that little scene of Percy and I. It was...different, so to say.

     I filtered in the hallways, on my way to fifth period, as millions of eyes found their way onto me. I looked down, trying to ignore everyone. How did they find out anyway? It was only Percy and I in my room, so how? But apparently, I don't remember anything from last night but the kiss. I pondered at this thought for a few moments, but then a pair of hands grabbed my arm firmly and pulled me aside.

     "So are you gay now?" It was Annabeth, who spoke in a hush tone.

     "What?" I asked, trying to focus on her stern, grey eyes.

     "You and Percy. After your little 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' session," She made quotations with her fingers. "We all played Spin the Bottle afterwards, and Piper took some pictures of you and Percy that were lip-locked the whole time." She explained.

     "We did?" I asked.

     Annabeth nodded slowly and raised her eyebrows. "Pipes posted the pictures on Instagram last night. We were all wasted, Jason."

     I put my hand to my forehead, which was a little sore. "Oh my god." I said.

     "So are you?" She asked.

     "Am I what?"

     "Gay?" She asked again.

     I just shrugged. Then the bell rang above us, and we went to class.

     I wasn't sure if I wanted to make the commitment on coming out yet.

     "You're late, Jason." Mr. Welsh called from the board, on where he was writing "Energy Transfer".

     I shrugged and took my seat, across from Percy. He nodded to me as a greeting.

     "Fags." Someone said under their breath and tried to play it off with a cough.

     I shook my head and looked down. Well, this is going to be a long class, I thought.

fast forward to present time: Thanksgiving Break~~~

     I've spent most of break in my room, alone. I wasn't in the mood for anybody right now, not even Percy. I lie down on my bed and tossed a football in the air, catching it when it came down. I never even really liked football. I only joined the team to make my parents proud, and I'm not even sure if they care.

     Thanksgiving was this Thursday, and then came the chaotic shopping of Black Friday. Yay. Can't wait. Whoop whoop.

     ...But there were these really cute blue shorts I saw in Hollister the other day, and I need them.

A Love Like War (A Heroes of Olympus love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant