Chapter 4

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• Leo's POV •

     I entered my household, and called out "I'm home!", but didn't get an answer. I wasn't expecting an answer, but it would've been nice to hear my mom's voice. Noises came from the interior of the kitchen, so I decided to pop in to check on my ma.

     "What are you cooking?" I asked her, leaning on the wall.

     "Quesadillas." She shrugged her shoulders.

     "Yay!" I exclaimed. My mother's quesadillas are the best.

     I stood there in silence as she kept her back to me, flipping the tortillas. I was getting bored, so I traveled down the hall to my bedroom and closed my door.

     It was pretty much like this everyday. My mom rarely talks to me, and ignores me most of the time. I never get to share any exciting stories with her, and when I do, she doesn't even listen 75% of the time, and the other 25% is full of awkwardness. This all started when I came out to her.

     I sighed and fell face first onto my unmade bed. I cringed at the thought that I have several pages of homework due tomorrow. Eh, who cares. Wow, I think Nico is rubbing off on me. He never does his homework. He's either taking a nap or playing Call Of Duty. Casual Nico.

     I spent the next few hours working on a new project that I've been working on for months. I've been constructing a new alarm clock that will shock my finger every time I hit the snooze button. That'll surely wake me up.

     10:30 crept up upon me, and my mom hasn't called me for dinner. Which was weird, 'cause we usually eat supper at around 6:30. I walked out of my room and passed the kitchen, seeing dirty dishes in the sink. I walked out into the living room and my mom was lying down on the couch, watching her hispanic soap operas.

     "Ma? Is dinner ready?" I asked quietly.

     "Dinner? Oh, that is history." She said, keeping her eyes glued to the television.

      "Wait, you already ate?"

      "Yes, niño." She responded.

      "So you only made food for yourself?" I asked, irritated.


     I sighed loudly and balled my fists and stomped into my room. Ugh, what is wrong with her?? She always does this. I may be gay and all, but I'm her son. That doesn't mean she shouldn't feed me. This is ridiculous. I grabbed my phone from my desk and dialed Nico's number. Two rings later, he picked up.


     "Hey babe, I was, uh, wondering if I could come over and spend the night. My mom is kinda being a jerk face." I said, trying to sound calm.

     "But it's a school night." He said.

     "Yeah, like you care?" I sassed.

     "True." He replied. "Lemme ask mi madré." He imitated my spanish.

     "Okay." I smiled. I waited for a few seconds, taping my fingers to a tune on my desk.

     "She said it's fine." Nico returned.

     "Okay, great. Thanks, I'll see you in a few. Byee." And then I hung up.

     I gathered a pair of pajamas and clean attire for tomorrow. I also packed a few movies, one of Nico's favorites, The Dark Knight Rises, and an extra twenty bucks.

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