Chapter 8

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• Percy's POV •

     I decided to swim one more lap after practice was called over. I know earlier I said I only joined the swim team to look at guys' butts, but I also developed this passion for swimming. It sets my mind free from everything else.

     I got out of the pool and walked over to the benches. Water trickled down my back and legs, and my fingers were pruned. Annabeth was there waiting for me, and handed me a dry, fresh towel.

     "You up to see a movie with me?" She asked.

     I removed the towel from my wet hair. "Yeah, sure. What movie?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.

     "Divergent." She answered quickly.

     I shot a smile at her. "Really?"

     "Oh, c'mon Perce, I just finished the book a couple weeks ago." She nagged.

     "Calm down, I was being sarcastic."

     Annabeth gently pushed my shoulder as I gathered my belongings. "Well, hurry up and get dressed."

     I took a quick shower and got dressed in the locker rooms. I met Annabeth out in the hallway, who was on her phone, Snapchat, to be exact. I called my mom, to make sure she knew where I'm headed, so she doesn't go on a freak attack, thinking I've gone missing.

     We pulled up in the parking lot of the movie theater. It was fairly packed, and we had to circle the lot a few times to find a parking space. After finding a space on the far end of the lot, we walked over to the ticket booth and bought two tickets to Divergent. We bought our buttery popcorn, a large Coke to share, and a pack of Sour Patch Kids that I begged Annabeth to get.

       "Where'd you get all this money?" I asked as I tossed a popcorn in the air, only to miss it landing in my mouth.

     Annabeth laughed at my fail. "I got paid yesterday."

     "Oh yeah. I forgot you got a new job." I said.

     She handed our tickets to the ticket taker, who looked like he could fall asleep any second, and he told us our movie was three doors down to the left. We thanked him and entered our dark cinema. Green and orange lights lit our walkway, and we sat in the very top, right in the center, like we always do. The upcoming attractions started to play, and after each one, Annabeth would whisper to me, "We need to see that." or "That looks like a good one." And all I did was nod back. Then, the movie started to play, and it looked like Annabeth was having a hard time trying to keep her fangirl comments to herself.

     After the movie ended, Annabeth would not shut up. She cried a few times during the movie, and she was crying now that its over.

     "I wonder what faction I'd be in..." She wondered aloud.

     "Erudite. Definitely Erudite." I responded.

     "You'd be Dauntless." She looked at me.

     I looked back at her and gave her the are-you-crazy?-look.

      "What?" She asked, sipping our soda.

      "Dauntless? Really?" I asked.

     "Well, yeah, I guess. You're brave and all." She shrugged.

      We both decided that I would go to her house to hang for a few hours. We ate pizza for dinner, and her little brother, Dylan, begged for several piggyback rides. Her mom was home, and her father was still at work, or what they expected him to be at.

     You see, Annabeth's parents haven't been getting along very well lately. Long story short, her dad is an alcoholic, and her mom isn't happy with that.

     We walked into her bedroom, and she crashed onto her bed and sighed deeply. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of her, face down in her covers.

     "Chilling with the bestie. Hashtag Erudite." I said aloud as I typed in the caption for Instagram.

     She looked over at me and took out her phone and snapped a pic of me. "Seaweed Brain. Hashtag Dauntless."

     I remained quiet for a few minutes as I scrolled through my feed.

     "Hey, um Annabeth?" I said quietly.

     "Yea?" She said, keeping her eyes on her phone.

     "You know how you said I'd be Dauntless cause I'm brave?"


     "Well, I didn't really agree on that, because I'm to scared to.." I stopped mid-sentence.

     Annabeth looked up. "Percy? What's wrong?"

     "Promise you won't judge me?" I sat up, seriousness written on my face.

     "Why would I judge you? I'm you're best friend." She said, sitting up also, setting her phone down.

     "Well, you see, I'" I said. I looked down, and then I heard a gasp leave Annabeth's mouth. I looked back up, expecting to see a face of disgust, but instead, a bright smile was painted onto her face. She got up and hugged me tightly, squeezing my insides.

     "Since when did you find out?" She asked, still smiling.

     "Its been quite a while now." I smiled back.

     She hugged me tightly again. I didn't expect her to be this happy.

      "Do you like anybody right now?" She asked.

      "Um, I think so." I responded, sounding unsure of myself.

     "Who is it?" Her smile still present.

     "Jason." I said without hesitance.

     Then her smile slowly faded away.

     "What? What happened?" I asked, worried.

      "I was going to tell you that I like Jason." She said



but, has anybody else seen divergent?


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