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Chandler's POV

I was still inside of the store, I felt as if I was going to have another panic attack. Fuck. I felt a total wave of emotions and I just ran, ran out the store and everyone was staring at me until I realised why, I ran out the store with the objects I didn't buy. Shitfuckdick.

I felt a pair of hands cuffing my wrists together and snatching the items in my hand

"I-I didn't know I-I was holding them s-sir" I stuttered "I r-ran out because I f-feel like I'm going to have a panic attack" I said the last part while breathing heavily. Great. I was going to have a panic attack in a pair of cuffs. If I go to jail for shoplifting then that'll be the end of me.

The officer just thought I was faking, I wouldn't believe me either to be honest by the way I look. I knew how to calm myself down, my therapist had told to just take deep breaths and count to ten.

I didn't have time to be here with a cop. I need to find her.

But there she was, in the car right in front of me. Looking at me like I was some criminal, well I guess it looked like it.

"Please let me go, I need to talk to the woman in that car. Anyway I just made a mistake, I didn't know the items were still in my hands. Please" I was begging the officer to let me go. I needed to talk to her.

"You know this lady?" He pointed to the girl in the car and she stared at me with fear, he didn't see it though. I nodded my head to assure him I knew her. As I did know her and didn't, if that makes sense.

"As long as you have someone I can let you go" he started to unlock the cuffs, I thanked him then started walking towards the car that girl was in. Anxiety was running through me, what was I going to say? I need a ride otherwise this cop wouldn't let me go. Why did I do this.

I knocked on the drivers window waiting for her to rather roll down her window or open her door to talk to me.

I don't know what I was expecting really to see her turn the ignition on and start to drive off. She smiled to me although I could tell it was fake, she told me to get in quickly or she's driving off.

I ran to the other side of the car and climbed in, the officer still watching me with a smirk on his face.

"S-so where you headed?" She asked me hesitantly.

"Why?" I was eager to find out why she had let me in her car when she just saw me in handcuffs. Did she dream about me too? "Why did you let me in?"

"I guess I'm curious about you" she said this so calmly, like it was true.

"About" I lifted an eyebrow at her, which made her smile at me.

"You're real stubborn, we've talked for less then 5 minutes and I've noticed that. Why did that officer have you in cuffs just then?"although she was driving she kept an eye on me, like she was intrigued by my presence.

"It's a long story" I tried my hardest to give her a smile but it just came out as one of those fake ones.

"I have a lot of time, hey how about we get a coffee or something, I'm thirsty and um, we'll have time for you to tell me your story" she looked scared in her eyes, like she regrets asking me that. But at the same time she looks desperate, like she needs me to come. She needs a friend, I can't say no to her.

"S-sure, where do you want to go?" We had past my house now but I didn't say anything, we were going to get coffee anyway so it doesn't matter.

"Starbucks?" She lit up at the thought of it, It's cute.

"Starbucks it is. What's your name? I didn't catch it, my name's Lauren" why the hell is she being nice to me? No one ever is.

"Chandler, Chandler Riggs." I looked down to my feet, ashamed of myself. Ashamed of the man I've become. How I've disrespected the name my mother gave me.

"Catchy name, have I heard it before?" It's funny how this is the first conversation I've had since I gotten out the asylum. She probably did know me if my family 'gossip' as been on the news.

"Probably not" I lied, hoping that she'd never find out about my history, I'm afraid if she did then she'd leave. Everyone leaves and I'm sick of it.

Lauren pulled up in the Starbucks driveway, lucky for me there was hardly anyone in there. I was hoping she'd order so my anxiety wouldn't kill me like it did in that grocery store back then, anxiety and depression ruin my life. I just want to be normal, I guess I should've stayed in the asylum, but I'm out now. That's the good thing.

We both ordered a muffin, I couldn't drink caffeine in public because of my hell driven anxiety and I guess she was just being nice and ordering the same thing as me. Unless she was like me.

"So, you said you'd tell me the story why you were cuffed" she pointed to my wrists like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"No, actually you said that" I smiled at this, like a real smile. The first smile in ages. "I-I have a mental illness, anxiety. And um, I felt as if I was going to have a panic attack so I kind of ran out and forgot to put the items I was going to buy down and the alarms went off. They thought I was shoplifting. How come you looked at me and ran out?"

Lauren looked at me and frowned "I guess I have the same problem as you." She whispered, I could see tears in her eyes. But after a minute they looked up to me, "I understand you, w-we understand each other"

I felt a wave of anger through my veins, I tensed "NO, YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ME, EVER!" I shouted angrily in her face, as soon as I did that I felt regret and guilt "just don't try to figure me out, I'm a special kind of twisted"

And with that I left, I left the shop. Leaving her behind me, I wish I didn't do that. I didn't even dare to look back at her.

So guys, do you even like this book? I'm thinking that no one actually likes it and it's just boring crap.

I'm debating whether I should delete it or not?

It helps me out a lot!!

Message me!!

Love you all :)

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