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Gerard's POV

I had just stormed out of my house, leaving Lauren on the ground. She told me the baby wasn't mine and I lost it. I think I left the house a bit later than I should of because I was already almost completely transformed.

I didn't worry too much about Lauren as I knew she'd just go to that Chandler guy. One day I will kill him. And I will enjoy it.

I ran about 7 miles within 30 seconds, I was halfway to turning, I had to get as for away as possible.

I stopped when I knew I was deep within the woods, and let the pain go through me.

I'd change every time I got angry, which happens to be a lot lately. I'd stay like this for a day or two, and when I'm back to my normal self I go home to Lauren.

I come from a cult of these creatures, We're not sure what we're called so we call ourselves demons. You see, every time we get the slightest angry, we change into this black, figure. A bit like the dementors from the Harry Potter series.

I only had one friend that was like me, his name is josh. He's never met any of my friends or family, and I'd like to keep it that way. Let's just say I wouldn't trust him with any of my loved ones. Especially Lauren, she is quite the treat if I say so myself.

Whenever we've changed, we get these amazing abilities, we run super fast, we can turn invisible if we wanted to and we can move shit with our minds, unfortunately it doesn't work on humans so I haven't been able to tell Chandler to jump off a cliff.

To kill someone, we have to bite their necks. I know what you're thinking, vampires. But no. We're completely different from vampires. You'll find out how later.

I'm still learning all the different techniques, like how to summon Josh, or even stopping myself from being transformed. Yeah, I guess I'm still a newbie. But it's hard, with me and Josh being the only ones here. We could smell another Demon, and in this town I could only smell josh.

Sorry for the short chapter. I suck I know. I think I'll update once a week or something because I'm quite busy :/ I'll update when I can.

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