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Chandler's POV

Shit... maybe I should turn back and apologise. After all, I do dream about her every night. Well, every night I sleep anyway. I sound like some creepy stalker thing, what if I tell her that I've dreamed for her for about a year and she overreacts, badly.

But what if she's ok? What if she does understand me. What If she's the one? I started walking back into the coffee shop and sat down, my cheeks were burning red.

"Sorry I just get car-" that cute son of a bitch cut me off.

"It's okay Chandler, I get it. Trust me" I smiled at her and we carried on talking about random crap for about an hour.

Me and Lauren were really talking like best friends, smiling and laughing. Can you believe it? I was laughing. After so long. But all of a sudden Lauren's expression froze, like she just saw a ghost, she was staring behind me. I spun around and saw this really large man, not fat, muscle. His face shown no emotion and I had no idea how to describe him. He started at me and Lauren with pity, did he know Lauren?

"G-Gerard, meet Chandler, he's my friend." She sounded so scared, who was this man?

"I'm not stupid Lauren!!" He was shouting at her now and I had no idea what to do. My anxiety's going to fuck up after this but here goes nothing....

"Don't shout at her!! Man we're friends, what's it got to do with you anyway?" I was getting pissed off again.

He chuckled and looked deep into my eyes "I'm her boyfriend" and with that he pinned my tiny body up onto the wall compared to his buff "if you ever come near my girl again, I will rip your heart from your chest, do you understand?" I nodded and he let me down. I took one last glance towards Lauren before leaving.

Why didn't she tell me she had a boyfriend?
Oh. I guess she didn't need to, that explains the small bump on her stomach. I didn't even realise until now. I was stupid to think I had a chance with her.

What if you did. But you blew it.
No I didn't, and it's not my fault her boyfriend showed up.
We'll see

I had to walk at least 3 miles home, but that's fine as I can just think about stuff. About her. She's beautiful, but I'm afraid I'd hurt her. I'm too unstable to have such a pretty girl like that. In fact I'm too unstable to have anyone.

I guess I'll just have to endure the pain of being alone.

Lauren's POV

"What the fuck was that Gerard?? Can't you handle me having friends. God damn." I had broken my favourite vase my pushing it off the worktop as I was angry with my love. I hated arguing with him.

"No darling, see if he was a friend you would've at least told him you had a boyfriend. You see, to me that looked like a date. Didn't he notice that pathetic bump on your belly?" He talks so calmly, but acts so violently. Before I got a change to answer he's slapping my face and shouting at me calling me names for example, whore, slut. But all I could think of was him calling our baby pathetic, but of course it wasn't ours. It was mine and Josh's, that son of a dick who raped me.

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts with a kick to my ribs, I didn't even know I was on the floor.

"G-Gerard s-stop the baby" he must've forgot.

He just spat at me and muttered something I couldn't hear while he just walked out the door, leaving me on the cold hard floor.

My stomach was killing me, every time I attempted to move I had a really sharp pain. Did he kill my baby? This thought made me drag myself up and to my car, I got to get to the hospital.

(A/N I was writing this then paramore's new song was uploaded and now I'm writing this with their new song on repeat. Albums out May 12th :))

I felt my veins becoming weaker and weaker, I hope my baby's alive. I know I'm so young and people would say I'd never make is as a mother in this world, but I'm certain I would And I already love my bump so much. I love her and that's the only good thing that came out of that night at the party.

Yes I was sure she was a girl, I always thought as a child that I'd have a daughter before a son.

I had been driving for at least 10 minutes with a really bad pain going through me, when all of a sudden I was bleeding. Well there was blood everywhere, I screamed out of terror I was going to loose my baby girl. I automatically pushed my foot on the pedal and speeded at least 30mph over the limit.

I got to the hospital within the next 10 minutes of speeding.


"And how did this happen miss? If this is a sign of abuse then I'm going to have to call the poli-" I cut the doctor off quickly.

"No need to call them doctor, I assure you. Me being me I just tripped onto the glass table." I had muttered this quite quietly.

"Very well, you're lucky that I had found no glass, just.... bruises." He knew I was lying, I could tell by the way he looked at me with sympathy.

I have to stay in the hospital over night to run tests, to make sure my baby's okay. I didn't want to be here alone and I certainly didn't want to be here with Gerard. I decided I'd call Chandler, we exchanged numbers in Starbucks.

"Hello C-Chandler?" I stuttered into my mobile phone.

"Lauren?" He must've not put my number as a contact or he deleted it after Gerard.

"Yes it's me, listen I'm sorry about what happened back at Starbucks, b-but I'm in the hospital right now, can you come?" I closed my eyes waiting for an answer, I could feel tears swelling up in my eyes hoping for a yes.

"I'll be right there" and the call ended. I hope he'd come fast because this night would fly with him here. He just makes time go past so much.

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Love you alllllllllllll!!!

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