BigBang G-dragon

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Imagine you and G dragon are both idol and you are engaged to him .

Y/n's pov
Me and G-dragon met during mama awards in hongkong and you're in a girl group and you are a leader . Your group name is flower shine

G-dragon's pov
Y/n and i met during mama awards and her group was great at their performance.

Gdragon's Pov
G-dragon also is known as Kwon Jiyong  age is 30 and She is 30, Our age is same but I'm 1988
and She is 1989,  I'm older than her by one month.

G-dragon's pov
I really like Y/n and I want her as my date.

Y/n's pov
My groupmates are teasing me about G-dragon sunbae.

G-dragon's pov
I heard that Y/n's groupmates are teasing about me to her.

Y/n's pov
I went to the practice room and practice there  some of our dance steps.

G-dragon's pov
I saw Y/n in the practice room and her moves are so nice. I think she is just not their leader and she also their dancing machine.

Y/n's pov
I didn't know that G-dragon sunbae was watching me the whole time.

G-dragon's pov
I was in practice room and clapped my hands to her.

Y/n's pov
Wow G-dragon sunbae you are there and i didn't notice you!

G-dragon's pov
Y/n were great at dancing are you sure that you are the leader in your group?

Y/n's pov
Of course. G-dragon sunbae I'm the leader of flower shine.

G-dragon's pov
Okay, Can i have your number?

Y/n's pov
Okay , G-dragon sunbae i need to go because my groupmates are waiting for me.

G-dragon's pov
Okay. Bye Y/n

Y/n's pov
Bye G-dragon sunbae.

~time skip~
Y/n's pov
I received a text from unknown and in the text is " Hi Y/n.

G-dragon's pov
My text to Y/n is " Hi Y/n. I didn't wrote my name

Y/n's pov
I wonder who the guy who sent me a text!

G-dragon's pov
I sent another text to Y/n . In the text is " Y/n are you free tonight?

Y/n's pov
I saw another from unknown and in the text is " Y/n are you free tonight? I said to him " hello Yes I'm free tonight.

G-dragon's pov
I'm here and i'm waiting for you Y/n . And this is the time that i will tell Y/n my feelings towards her.

Y/n's pov
I'm here and i don't know who sent me an text and i agree to meet him.

G-dragon's pov
I see Y/n and she wearing a dress and hat with her disguise. She was really pretty.

Y/n's pov
I'm here and i saw G- dragon sunbae and he looks so handsome..when near him and ask him " are you the one who sends me messages.

G-dragon's pov
I just nodded my head to Y/n and i said to her " i just need to tell you Y/n something.

Y/n's pov
What is it ? G-dragon sunbae

G-dragon's pov
I like you Y/n and will you be my girlfriend?

Y/n's pov
You like me ?

G-dragon's pov
Yes Y/n i like you!

Y/n's pov
G-dragon sunbae i need to tell you something?

G-dragon's pov
What is it?

Y/n's pov
I like you too G-dragon sunbae. Yes i will be your girlfriend.

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