BtoB Hyunsik

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Imagine you and hyunsik are dating. you are model

Y/n's pov

me and Im hyun-sik also known as hyun-sik have been dating for a year. we met in event where he also model there too.

Hyun-sik's pov

It took me 6 days when she said to yes that she will be my girlfriend.

Y/n's pov

My boyfriend is an idol and i'm model and despite of our schedules we still see each other.

Hyun-sik's pov

i'm always there for her to support her and i'm  no.1 supporter

Y/n's pov

I love hyun-sik so much


Y/n for me is my princess, my life

Y/n's pov

he is my princess , my forever

hyun-sik's pov

next week me and Y/n will celebrate our 2nd anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend

Y/n's pov

i'm so thankful that he is my boyfriend

Hyun-sik's pov

My girlfriend is so pretty and i love her so much with all my heart

Y/n's pov

My boyfriend is so handsome and talented

~time skip~

Y/n's pov

today is our anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend

Hyun-sik's pov

happy aniversary to us! i made a collage of me and Y/n during our dates and post it on instagram and my caption is ''happy anniversary to the girl who makes me smile and laugh, who is there to  support me and my no. 1 fan and my forever and i tag her on picture. i saw the comments were '' so cute, sweet couple, happy anniversary to you and Y/n unnie .

Y/n's pov

I liked his post and i posted a picture of me and Hyun-sik in shadow. my caption was ''happy anniversary to the man that i love so much and you are my life, forever, prince. im hyun-sik is  no.1 fan. i tag him in the picture. i saw comments were '' so sweet, couple goals

Hyun-sik's pov

i'm going to take Y/n in dinner and i texted her '' babe, can we have dinner ?

Y/n's pov

i saw the text of hyun-sik and her text was ''babe, can we have dinner? and my reply to her is  hello babe, sure thing

Hyun-sik's pov

i'm going to wear later blue shirt and denim pants

Y/n's pov

i'm going to wear blue dress with lace and denim pants

~time skip~

Hyun-sik's pov

i'm here in the restaurant and i'm so excited to see Y/n

Y/n's pov

i'm here in the restaurant and i ask the waitress '' i came here from a reservation of Im hyun-sik. she said to me ''this way maam

Hyun-sik's pov

i saw Y/n and she so pretty and we are both wearing same color

Y/n's pov

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