B.A.P Yongguk

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Imagine You are a fan of Him and He likes you. You are model

Y/n's Pov

I and Hana my best friend are going to the fan meeting of B.a.p and My Bias is "Yongguk and Hana's bias is Zelo their maknae. the both of us are model and blogger.

Yongguk's Pov

I'm getting ready for our Fan meeting with the baby. 

Y/n's Pov

I'm going to wear My blue long dress with lace and My hair is going to be curled and their album. 

Yongguk's Pov

I'm ready to go our fanmeet. 

Y/n's Pov

I'm going to Hana her house first because she has My ticket and I went inside and she was wearing Black shirt and skirt and white converse. 

Yongguk's Pov

I'm here with other B.a.p members

Y/n's Pov

I'm so excited to see Yongguk and the other members of B.ap

~time skip~

Y/n's Pov

I and  Hana are here and she is so excited to meet zelo and I'm so excited to meet Yongguk.

Yongguk's Pov

This girl looks so pretty and her best friend looks so pretty and I wonder what their name?

Y/n's Pov

it's my turn and I'm going to first to Yongguk and then, zelo, daehyun,  Youngjae and Himchan, Jongup, and I let Yongguk sign my album and He said to me " Who your bias? and what's your name?  I said to him ''My name is Lee Y/n. 

Yongguk's Pov

Thank you! and she really looks so pretty and I place my number beside her album and I gave it to her. 

Y/n's Pov


Yongguk's Pov

I think I like her and I want to her more. 

Y/n's Pov

Hana said that"Oh my ! lee Y/n He gave his number and my ship is sailing. 

Yongguk's POv

I searched lee Y/n in naver and She is famous in all around the world. 

Y/n's Pov

I model a lot of Brands all over the world. I'm Huge fan of B.ap and l hope that someone didn't notice me 

Yongguk's Pov

Her Instagram feed is nice and her best friend is a model too and blogger. and I sent a request to follow her on Instagram.

Y/n's Pov

I have a lot of request on my Instagram and I just accept them the requests on Instagram.

Yongguk's Pov

She accepted my request :) and I sent a dm on Instagram to her. Hi Y/n, let's have coffee together and I'm Bang Yongguk. 

Y/n's Pov

I reply to his text "'hello Yongguk oppa I'm lee Y/n the girl that went to your fan meet with my bestfriend and She is a huge fan of zelo. sure thing

Yongguk's Pov

she agrees to have a coffee date with Me and It's My third time seen her. The first time that I see Her is on tv and billboards. The second was She went to our fan meeting with her best friend and this is our third time seeing each other just the two of us without our manager. 

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