Monsta x Wonho

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Imagine you and wonho are boyfriend and girlfriend and You both are doing celebrate first christmas together

Y/n's Pov
Me and wonho also known shin Hoseok are celebrating Christmas together.

Wonho's Pov
It's our first christmas together with Y/n and me and her have been together for a years.

Y/n's Pov
Yehey! It's Christmas and Me and wonho are going to celebrate our first christmas together.

Wonho's Pov
I rang the doorbell of her house and Brought flowers for her and Gifts.

Y/n's Pov
I open the door and It's was Wonho and let him in the house and He stay in the living room.

Wonho's Pov
Wow! The pictures of me and Y/n from a year ago is still here.

Y/n's Pov
Babe, I'm sorry that I was late because I got something from upstairs and I hope you the gift the brought for you.

Wonho's Pov
*checks what inside the box*

Y/n's Pov

Wonho's Pov
Babe, It's the watch that I like and thank you so much and I love you.

Y/n's Pov
No problem ,oppa

Wonho's Pov
I have something for you !

Y/n's Pov
Okay *covers her eyes with blindfold *

Wonho's Pov
*gaves you flowers and wears you the bracelet*

Y/n's Pov
Thank you oppa for the flowers and bracelet and I love it

Wonho's Pov
I kneel down with one leg and Get the ring from my back.
" Lee Y/n, I know that we have been dating for a years and month and I'm so happy when the time that You agree to be my girlfriend and When we were dating, You felt like you complete my whole life and You are the girl that I want to spend my whole life and the future mother of our kids and Grow old together and see our babies have their own sons and daughter and I will never get tried loving you. I promise to you that I cherish you and love you. And asked your parents are blessing for our marriage and they said to me . On this Christmas day. " Lee Y/n, will you marry me and be my mrs. Shin/lee?

Y/n's Pov
I will marry you shin hoseok/ lee hoseok.

Wonho's Pov
*wears the engagement ring to your ring finger*

Y/n's Pov
*hugs him *

Wonho's Pov
*hugs you back*

Y/n's Pov
I love you shin hoseok/ lee hoseok

Wonho's Pov
I love you too Lee Y/n

Y/n's Pov
I believe that When A two couple saw a mistletoe and they suppose to kiss

Wonho's Pov
*kissed you on the lips*

Y/n's Pov
*shock* kissed him back

Wonho's Pov
I love you ^_^

Y/n's Pov
I love you

Wonho's Pov
Are you the best Christmas ever that I arrived.

Y/n's Pov
*blushing* of course. You are my my boyfriend/ my future husband

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