Infinite: Dongwoo

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Imagine you and Dongwoo Are married. You are idol.

Y/n's Pov
Me and Dongwoo met in a party of our friends. Ellie is a member of Summer too.

Dongwoo's Pov
Ellie our friend introduced us to each other and Ellie was like our cupid.

Y/n's Pov
I didn't know that ellie know dongwoo and I was so shock when She introduced me to Dongwoo.

Dongwoo's Pov
I got Y/n's number from ellie and She is really pretty and I like her

Y/n's Pov
Dongwoo is really my ideal type

Dongwoo's Pov
She is makes me smile

Y/n's Pov
I think Dongwoo is the one for me

~time skip~
Dongwoo's Pov
I'm planning to Propose Y/n and ask her to be my wife.

Y/n's Pov
Me and Dongwoo relationship is getting stronger.

Dongwoo's Pov
It's our 9 years for being girlfriend and boyfriend. I have asked her parents for blessing and they said to me " sure thing.

Y/n's Pov

Dongwoo's Pov
* wears you the blindfold *

Y/n's Pov

Dongwoo's Pov
Wait for my signal

Y/n's Pov

Dongwoo's Pov
We are here

Y/n's Pov

Dongwoo's Pov
Be careful Jagiya

Y/n's Pov

Dongwoo's Pov
You can remove now the blindfold?

Y/n's Pov
What are you doing?

Dongwoo's Pov
* kneel with one leg and gets somethinf from his back* lee Y/n, I know that me and Y/n have been dating for 9 years and  I want to spend my whole life with you and will you marry me and be my mrs. Jang?

Y/n's Pov
Yes, Jang Dongwoo I will marry you

Dongwoo's Pov
*wear the ring in the ring finger*

Dongwoo's Pov
Yahoo! She said " Yes to be my wife*

Y/n's Pov
I'm so lucky that Dongwoo is my fiance.

Dongwoo's Pov
I posted a picture of Y/n in my instagram and I tag her on the picture and my caption was " I love you Lee Y/n. The comments were " congrats to the couple,  we love you both!, Y/n unnie so lucky to have as her fiance.

Y/n's Pov
I liked the post of Dongwoo and the picture was me and I posted a picture of my engagement ring and my caption was "happiness" #love. The comments were " congrats Y/n unnie and Dongwoo oppa !my ship is sailing,  dongwoo and Y/n forever

~breaking news: summer's Y/n and Infinite dongwoo are engaged

The couple met in a friend party and ellie is a good friend of Y/n and Dongwoo

Dongwoo is interested to Y/n and He got Y/n number from Ellie.

The couple dated and Last week Y/n and Dongwoo celebrated their 9 years of being

Dongwoo's Pov
I love you Lee Y/n

Y/n's Pov
I love you too Jang dongwoo

Dongwoo's Pov
*kissed you in the lips*

Y/n's Pov
*kiss back on the lips*

~time skip~
Y/n's Pov
Today is our prenup for our wedding and I'm so excited

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