FT lsland: Minhwan

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Imagine you and Minhwan are engage

Y/n's pov
Me and Minhwan have been dating for 9 years and me and Y/n met in a event and She perform there and also our group perform there.

Minhwan's Pov
She caught my heart and never gave it back and we dated and I proposed to her on our anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend and Next week We are planing our small wedding in gangnam.

Y/n's Pov
I'm so happy because I'm the fiance of Minhwan .

Minhwan's Pov
Me and Y/n wedding is all set.

Y/n's Pov
My wedding gown is set and I'm ready to be mrs. Choi

Minhwan's Pov
I Imagine family with Y/n and we are going to have two babies which are one boy and Girl.

~time skip~
Y/n's Pov
Today is our wedding day and I'm so excited to be mrs. Choi

Minhwan's Pov
Me and Y/n later will be one as husband and Wife

Y/n's Pov
I took a picture of me and post it on instagram and my caption was " this it,

~time skip~
Minhwan's Pov
I'm here in gangnam hall and waiting for my beautiful wife

Y/n's Pov
I'm here and I'm so excited to be mrs. Choi

Minhwan's Pov
I do

Y/n's Pov
I do

Minhwan's Pov
*lifts the veil*kissed you on the lips

Y/n's Pov
*kiss back on Minhwan

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