winner Mino

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Imagine you and Mino are boyfriend and he wants to take your relationship to the next level

Y/n's pov

I and Mino have been boyfriend for a year and I love him so much

Mino's pov

Me and Y/n have recently celebrated our anniversary and I really want to spend my whole life with Y/n

Y/n's pov

although years I and Mino have been our relationship stronger. Mino is My first love, my first kiss, my boyfriend. my first love and last love

Mino's pov

I want to propose to Y/n right now

Y/n's pov

maybe this the right age to settle down with Mino and have kids with him

~time skip~

Y/n's pov

I receive a text from Mino and his text was "'my princess can we met right now and I need to tell you something. I replied to him'' sure thing

Mino's pov

I'm going to propose to her and ask her to be my wife later

Y/n's pov

I'm going to wear a blue dress with lace and of course Jacket.

Mino's pov

I have the ring with me and flowers

Y/n's pov

I'm feeling excited for later

~time skip~

Y/n's pov

I'm here in the cafe and no one here and I check the place and it was full of our pictures together during our dates. I saw one balloon '' this picture was taken during our first trip together to the Philippines, we saw tarsier and famous chocolate hills in Bohol and us rode a float boat

and other one balloon ''this picture was taken during our second trip together to japan, we are both were kimono, we ate ramen at brought stuff in japan. the third balloon was ''Princess, do you remember this picture when you fell asleep on me and I carried you all the way to the hotel room, you are light as a feather. the fourth balloon was'' I want you to be my side and I want to wake up with your smile, laugh and everything and I want you to be my wife and be my Mrs, song? the last balloon was '' Y/F/n L/n, will you marry me and be my Mrs, Song?

Mino's pov

I went to Y/n and ask her again and said to her "Y/f/n, will you marry me and be my Mrs, song? *kneel down with one leg*

Y/n's pov

Yes, Song Mino,I will marry you

Mino's pov

Yahoo! she said "Yes

Y/n's pov

I updated my twitter and I have an announcement I'm going to get married to Song mino. some fans congratulated me and Mino.

Mino's pov

I posted a picture of me and Y/n and my caption was ''in a few week, Y/n you will be song Y/n and not anymore L/n. I love you. I saw the comments were '' Congrats To you mino Oppa and Y/n unnie on your marriage, we love you both

Y/n's pov

Our wedding will be held next week in a small garden only a few reporter is allowed there

Mino's pov

Me and Y/n want privacy during our wedding day.

~time skip~

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