Got7: Yugyeom

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Imagine you and Yugyeom are dating. You are Idol too.

Y/n's Pov
Me and Yugyeom met in an event. And I'm a girl group called dream as a maknae

Yugyeom's Pov
I saw Y/n there and she looked so pretty and she was like an angel who had fallen from the heaven.

Y/n's Pov
When I saw Yugyeom and I thought that he's not friendly but I was wrong He was really friendly.

Yugyeom's Pov
I Fell in love with Y/n's kindness to her fans and that's my girlfriend!

Y/n's Pov
I'm so happy that Yugyeom came in my life.

Yugyeom's Pov
Next week me and Y/n are going to celebrate our 1st anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend since me and her have dated.

Y/n's Pov
I don't regret that I chose him to be my boyfriend.

Yugyeom's Pov
Me and Y/n age gap is 8 years and I believe in love there no age limit.

Y/n's Pov
I love kim yugyeom so much!

Yugyeom's Pov
I love you too Song Y/n

~time skip~
Yugyeom's Pov
*blindfold you*

Y/n's Pov
Where are u taking me ?

Yugyeom's Pov

Y/n's Pov

Yugyeom's Pov
*removes the blindfold *

Y/n's Pov
Wow!the place is so nice!

Yugyeom's Pov
Do you like it?

Y/n's Pov
I super like it and Love it

Yugyeom's Pov
*gives flowers and Chocolates * Happy 1st anniversary to us!  I love you

Y/n's Pov
Thank you Yugyeom oppa and I love you too

Yugyeom's Pov
*kissed you in cheeks*

Y/n's Pov
*kissed him in cheeks*

Yugyeom's Pov
*hugs you*

Y/n's Pov
*hugs him back*

Yugyeom's Pov
*holding hands with you *

Y/n's Pov
*holding hands with him*

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