Fuck My Fangirl Life

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I like that, "fuck my fangirl life" lol maybe i should make a book called that maybe not idk

but seriously fmfl 

everyone must think theres something wrong with me because in class Harry's new song came out, then Zayn's new song, and then later Pillowtalk (clean version of course) came on and my face was red and I just wanted to scream so i couldnt so i was gripping the seat and looked like i was having an orgasm

then when a one direction song came on the other day someone said, "they're old" and i said "your moms old you still listen to her bitch" thats probably the only time I've actually spoken outloud without stuttering. that person was right next to me so no one really heard it but like, don't mess with my fandoms lmao 

I wish One Direction would come back, I'm like really depressedright now because they split up. They said they were going to tour in 2017, what happened </3 

I miss themmmm

I miss @smexyniallhoran and I's all-nighters

I miss getting drunk and posting shit I would regret later 

I miss going over to my friend's house and getting high and running around screaming "PENIS"

I miss when i would run around the store with my friend and we'd scream "gotta zayn" 

i miss my old friend (other than the other old friend I have. confusing much?) and i miss when I went up to her ex and yelled "suck it" and did the pelvis thrust

i miss writing Zayn parodies and staying up all night listening to Falling in Reverse, TOP, Panic! and Fall Out Boy and eating the whole tub of ice cream even though I'm lactose intolerant or however you spell it and writing my smut in a notebook and taking pictures of it and sending it to my bff (best fangirl friend) but hey, now I write smut and send it to @smexyniallhoran so xD I'm good

I miss having my phone and pulling all-nighters on school nights with my friends texting and watching youtube and reading smutty fanfics and looking at fanart

overall I miss April 2017


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