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You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

Question to discuss:pewdieporn

Stranger 1: Wow

Stranger 1: I would consider that

Stranger 2: Haha seriously?

Stranger 1: He's hot

Stranger 1: (ish)

Stranger 1: ((my opinion, not fact))

Stranger 2: Haha fair enough, I'm a guy so I guess I wouldn't know

Stranger 1: You mean "I'm not sexually attracted to men so I wouldn't know"?

Stranger 2: Yeah sorry, I was gonna say that but I'm really tired and didn't wanna type all that out xD

Stranger 1: Oh ok good 😂

Stranger 2: Hahah yeah don't worry

Stranger 2: So what's up?

Stranger 1: Fulla beanszzz

Stranger 1: Really just want to lay down and die

Stranger 2: Aw no don't die you seem pretty cool

Stranger 1: Can't prevent it but I'll hang in there :') What's up with you?

*insert boring conversation here*

Almost everytime I ask "pewdieporn" people, like, become friends lmfao

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