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You're now watching two strangers discuss your question! (A.N. YES, BEFORE YOU ASK, I ASKED THE QUESTION, TWO PEOPLE DISCUSSED IT.)

Question to discuss:pewdieporn .

Stranger 2: Lmfao no

Stranger 1: No thanks lol

Stranger 2: Oh no baby what is you doing

Stranger 1: He's cool but i dont want that

Stranger 2: I don't even watch his videos tbh

Stranger 2: He's aight

Stranger 1: Me is lazy in bed

Stranger 1: Hbu?

Stranger 2: Me too

Stranger 1: M?

Stranger 2: Even though I had a nap

Stranger 2: No a f

Stranger 1: I just woke up actually

Stranger 2: What time is it?

Stranger 1: 9:30 am

Stranger 2: Ahhh. London?

Stranger 1: Romania

Stranger 2: Wait it's 7:30 in London

Stranger 1: Close enough

Stranger 2: AHHH

Stranger 1: Haha

Stranger 2: I love meeting people out of the country it's so fun

Stranger 1: Same

Stranger 2: ☺️ ahhh I'm so happy

Stranger 1: How old are you?

Stranger 2: I know someone from Romaniaaa

Stranger 2: I'm 18!!

Stranger 1: Hurray

Stranger 2: What about you?

Stranger 1: You know a random perv from another country. 17

Stranger 2: Hehe. Still from another country

Stranger 2: And ooo I'm older than you

Stranger 1: Not bigger tho

Stranger 2: Are you turning 18 soon?

Stranger 2: I am tbh

Stranger 1: Halfway there

Stranger 1: How tall are you?

Stranger 2: Yay for being 18

Stranger 2: I'm 5'3"

Stranger 1: 😁

Stranger 1: Well im about 6'

Stranger 1: So i wim

Stranger 1: Win*

Stranger 2: By a few inches

Stranger 2: A tiny few

Stranger 1: Hah

Stranger 2: I'm probably up your neck

Stranger 1: But im chubby 😔

Stranger 1: And yeah

Stranger 2: Me too chubby people are great

Stranger 1: Yup

Stranger 2: Thick!!

Stranger 1: I got a tummy like a plushie bear

Stranger 1: Great pillow

Stranger 2: My white neighbors are listening to Future this is odd

Stranger 1: I dont listen to him

Stranger 2: Ahhh I love him

Stranger 1: And i suppose you're black?

Stranger 2: Nah lol Asian

Stranger 1: Dope

Stranger 2: Thank ya

Stranger 1: No problemo

Stranger 2: Nice meetin ya hope we can talk again sooooon

Stranger 1: Yeah haha

  Stranger 2 has disconnected  

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