I... Why am I doing this to myself!?

18 5 14

I need to stop. 

This needs to stop okay. Where are your parents!? 

To Pewdiepie: "I farted" 

To jacksepticeye: "You're green just like my soul"

To markiplier: "Outer space is sooo coool"

To RobertIDK: "I'm a lifeless fangirl that likes to poop"

I keep doing things that I know I'll regret later. I'll probably wake up and have 4 followers haha because of my awkwardness

But that's okay, that means that 4 people still enjoy my weirdness :) 

It doesn't matter how many followers you have, as long as the followers enjoy what you do. 

~inspirational quote of the day by MaLIKmyAss 

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