Best fucking fic ever

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I just read the best smut ever. It was a fanfic too, like it had a backstory. Omfg I'm shaking it was so good!! I was outside reading it and I was flopping like a fish and shit, normal for me though tbh. Omfggggggg it even had Zayn in it. It was Jelix smut of course

I've been looking for something like that for a while it was like I was actually there. I died while reading it, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

I want to cry I've never read a smut that good. It was like real life too like OMGAFEJWAL;WEAOFKLDJAFL;KF;LDW;JAJFOWAJS;COPEIWFIJAIPFEWJ I'm gonna cry.

And Niall's in labor through all of this, that just completes my night!! This is the best fucking night ever. 

I'm gettin my gay on bitches.

And what's funny is

Just a year ago I was like "Gay is not okay" only because that's what my parents have told me the whole time. But come to find out I'm bi and ship like 6 ships at once and read gay smut like it's the fucking Bible. 


@SmexyNiallHoran I'm comin don't worry I won't leave Niall like that, I'm not going to bed until their kits are born goddammit.

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