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There's nothing wrong with who you are. Stop being so racist and sexist and shit.

My dad told me "Guys don't belong with other guys." And he knows I'm bi, he read my text messages before he took my phone away about a year ago. He was pissed. He's not going to change my mind. He also gets angry when I talk about having a girlfriend. I was talking to my friend, not him. He needs to stop eavesdropping if he's just going to fucking throw a fit.

It hurts knowing your family doesn't support you, but just be you. I'm not here to preach or whatever, I'm just saying, if you have a problem with who I am, suck it up bitch. I'm tired of the hate. I had to make another youtube channel because I was getting so much hate. Not going through that again. Wanna hate? Too late. Not putting up with it.

Violets are blue, blood is red. You mess with my friends and you'll be dead.

- Malikmyass xx

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