Ch. 8: New Land

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An intricate gate, stone pillars on either side, emerged from the trees like a fairy tale.

Made of iron, with swirls surrounding an elegantly drafted capital R, there was no question we were about to enter the elusive Rigryce Academy. Rising from the dense foliage, seemingly forgotten, it gave off a sense of mystery as well as spookiness. No one spoke, all of us trying to take in as much as we could when the metallic gates screeched open seemingly on their own. There was the faintest buzz across my arms, the thin hair prickling, that suggested it was more than magic. Vampire power must have warded the school, an extra layer of protection.

The cars slowed to a snail's pace as the line worked their way through, the almost unidentifiable dirt road changing into pavement as soon as we crossed the threshold. Curving around hidden bends, the trees cut off into freshly groomed lawns, the grass glowing in the mid afternoon sun. It was picture perfect and while I couldn't be certain, I was fairly sure the glint in the distance was a lake. The school itself stood in full glory, several stories of stone rising to compete with the mountains in the background, the different shades of gray and black contrasting with the pale purple and white hue. Reminiscent of the early modern castles seen in Europe, large windows and spires dotted the different wings, some parts wider and stouter than others, with a tower or two to complete the image.

"Sweet crispy Jesus," Kali gasped, eyes bugging out of her head as the cars wrapped around the semicircle in front of the main entrance, a Grecian-inspired statue spouting water set up in the middle.

I grinned at her use of words, even if I silently echoed her sentiments. I was expecting something grand, everything up to this point screaming it loud and clear, but this... this couldn't be imagined. It was one of the rare things in life that could only be believed after you had seen it, a novel concept in a world where vampires existed and schools ran specifically to train their companions.

This is it. No more waiting, no more chances to run.

The potent cocktail of terror and excitement I had felt swirling in my system since the day I had gotten my acceptance letter finally settled down as the car pulled in to park and the click of the doors unlocking sounded. The fire that had ignited that day, a little ray of hope, burned away any negative feelings I had left. Determination took root in the ashes instead, reality bearing my dream in full view as I got a closer look.

Wasting no time, the door was yanked open and I was outside in the fresh air, the floral scent from a nearby garden invading my nose as I glanced up at the large, arched main doors, surrounded by thick columns on either side, wondering what we were supposed to do next. Wandering around alone didn't seem plausible, the school huge and known to operate as a Council hub thanks to the headmistress' rank. There were more than likely areas we as students were forbidden to enter, designated specifically for important visitors. The last thing anyone would want was to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, especially when the people in said place could tamper with your mind. Or so rumors said.

Taking a minute, I pulled my phone out and scrolled to River's number, and hit the message button. The battery was ready to die and I wanted to give him an update to just let him know I made it safely before we headed off again. It had been a while and he was chomping at the bit to hear from me, even if he didn't outright express it. Made it just fine. Call you soon with more info :)

The ding of a reply surprised me, my messages usually going unanswered for a day or two thanks to his busy schedule. You'll do great. Give it your best shot, kiddo. Can't wait to see you at that fancy school and set your vampire right.

Grinning at River's antics, just the thought of him trying to talk down to a vampire amusing, I slipped the phone back into my purse. By no means a shrimp, River would still be no match for a vampire, creatures designed to be apex predators. He was kidding for sure but there was still a faint worry in the back of my head that he would say something stupid to rub them the wrong way. Serious by nature, he tended to have trouble figuring out when to draw the line. With a mental kick, I reminded myself that it was premature since I hadn't even met any of my vampire classmates and the ceremony wouldn't be until next summer.

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