Chapter One

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{Chapter One: Help him out?}

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Pidge P.O.V

I was quickly finishing up my notes before the bell rang dismissing everyone from school. I sighed heavily and ran my fingers threw my long hair. "Don't forget about finals coming up next week! This determines if you will graduate and get into a good col-" The bell rang and kids jumped from their seats bouncing out the door before Mr. Coran could finish his sentence. I sighed and shook my head. As usual I was the last one walking out he door. "Have a good day Katie!" Mr. Coran smiled at me waving, I did the same then walked out. I noticed some foot ball players and a few cheerleaders gathered around the end of the hallway.

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards my locker to grab my things and get home. I wasn't a very social person, and I didn't have friends. I usually had my face stuffed in a book or high technology. I'm not a total loner I have a dog named Rover! He's such a sweet heart when it comes to cuddling and such. I finally managed to get to my locker down the hall from the science lab. I but in my comb. "10, 16, and 39" I mumble to myself twisting the nob, when I was done I lifted up the latch and grabbed my stuff.

I put all my books in my pastel green book bag and slammed the locker shut sighing once again. "Katie!" A voice said panting rushing towards me. I quickly spun around to see my math teacher panting harshly. "I'm glad I got to you before you left!" Mrs. Shirogane spoke in between breaths. "is everything okay?" I asked concerned for her. "Yes, but I would like to ask a favor of you!" I nodded for her to keep going. "You know my son is on the football team correct?" I nodded again. "Well he is failing some of his classes and he has a great future ahead, I don't want him to fail the finals this spring. So I was wondering if you could-"

"Help him study?" I finished her sentence for her. "Yes please Katie!" I gave out a groan and rolled my eyes. I don't really want to help tutor some stuck up jock but Mrs. Shirogane was my favorite teacher and she let me call her by her first name when it was just us. "Okay Mia I'll help you." I said looking at her putting my hand on my hip. "Really! Thanks Pidge!' She hugged me tightly and I cringed a little. She was the only person besides my mom who called me that. "Alright tell me the time and place and I'll be there."

Shiro's P.O.V

I was sitting in my mom's classroom waiting for her to get back so we could leave. I was trying to understand some type of math question but I struggled with it, so I pushed it aside til my mom got back. "Shiro baby!" My mom entered the room and smiled brightly. "Yea mom?" I replied to her putting my stuff away in my bag. "I got you a tutor! She is one of my brightest students!" I raised an eyebrow at my mom and chuckled a bit. "Yea who is she?" I asked starting to stand up. "Katie Holt!" I froze for a moment and stared at my mom. "How in the hell did you get the smartest student in the school to tutor me?" I said.

"Katie and me are kinda close. Now tomorrow around 4 you will meet in here with her from now on until the finals!" I sighed started walking out of the room. Great I have the smartest kid ever teaching me.  

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