Chapter Seven

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Not edited 6/11/17

{Chapter Seven: Hang overs suck}

Pidges P.O.V

My eyes slowly opened trying to adjust to the light in the room. I reached over to my phone but stopped when I got a pounding headache. "Fuck." I muttered. What happened last night, I remember going to the party and getting....drunk. My eyes widen. Oh my god did I do something wrong or weird, did I tell Shiro I like him or worse tell someone about my problem. I reached over and grabbed my phone to see about a thousand missed calls from Shiro, Lance, and Keith. I went to my text to see angry Keith messages and worried Lance messages, but the only one I that I was scared to open was Shiro's. I clicked on his name and the only thing that popped up was.

"Call me."

My heart stopped. I did something stupid didn't I, I probably ruined everything because I cant handle drinking. I fucked up. Tears started to pool in the corner of my eyes. Another text popped up. "I just want to talk about last night, please." I wiped my eyes and clicked on the call button. It rang for a few a couple of seconds before Shiro picked up. "Katie." He breathed letting out a sigh of relief. "Hi." I mumbled. I was still in a shit mood from waking up. "How are you feeling?" He asked in a worried tone. "Like Shit." I said in a dull voice. "I would think so." He chuckled a bit. "So do you remember what happened last night?" He asked now getting a seirous.

"I can only guess what happened from the text and missed call from the boys." I replied. "Well do you want me to fill you in?" He tried to add humor in the situation. I chuckled and said yes. "Well you kinda told me you had a crush on me and self harmed. I mean that was main thing." My jaw hung open. Nope. No. I did not tell him that. "Katie are you still there?" He asked. "Yea.." I said softly. "I need to go." I said quickly. "Katie wait-" Before he could say anything else I hung up and hid underneath my blank it. "I fucked up." I mumbled. "Not really."  A voice said. I looked up from my blank it.

"Keith how the hell did you get in here?" I asked him in an annoyed tone. "Well your mom is here ya know." He chuckled and walked over and sat at the end of my bed. "Great. Let me guess Shiro told you what happen and came here to check up on me." I said while rolling my eyes. "Correct. Also Lance would have beat the living shit if I didn't." He smiled trying to make me feel better. "Pidge why didn't tell us, me?" He said a little hurt that I didn't talk to him. "I don't want to bother you with my problems, again."

"We have been threw this time and time again Katie! I care about you! You don't bother me, in fact you worry me to death when you don't tell me. When Shiro told me and Lance I was about to storm over here if Lance hadn't convinced me not to." Keith suddenly pulled me into hug. "You are fucking stupid when it comes to life." He mumbled into my shoulder. "Thank you." Was all I said.


No ones P.O.V

Pidge didn't speak to anyone after Keith left her house that weekend. It was now Monday morning. Pidge was waiting for Keith to come pick her up, he forced her to ride with him to school instead of taking the bus. Keith pulled into the drive way with Lance in the passenger seat. He opened the door quickly and ran out towards the brunette. "Kathrine  Matthew Holt! Estaba tan preocupada que voy a darte una bofetada, te amo por qué no me lo dijiste!!" Lance started to yell at Pidge in Spanish while she looked over to Keith and mumbled 'Help me' He shook his head and smiled.

After Lance's little Spanish lecture they all went to school with Lance still yelling at Pidge for not telling him and worrying him to death throughout the weekend. All she did was laugh at him. Once they pulled up to school they could see Shiro and Allura arguing with each other. "Woah? What is that all about, they never fight." Lance said. Allura stormed away from him and went inside the school with Shay trailing behind her. Shiro saw Keith's car pull in and walked over. "Oh god." Pidge slumped down in her seat trying to hide herself. "Come on Pidge let him talk you." Keith got out of the car along with Lance.

Pidge groaned and got out as well. "You got her to come to school?" Shiro raised an eyebrow amused at the small girl. "Lance would have killed me if I didn't go." Pidge glared at the Cuban boy who stood proud. "Fuck off Lance." Pidge said giving him the middle finger. "Hey Katie can we talk alone?" Shiro asked. The boys ran off seeing that as their clue to leave. "Shiro if you don't feel the same way as I do I understand!" Pidge said avoiding eye contact. "Who said  I didn't feel the same way?" Shiro smirked and looked down at her. "What?" Pidge looked confused and flushed. "You hung up on me before I could tell you anything." Pidge gasped a little and looked away. "I like you a lot too Katie." Pidge looked up and glared at Shiro. "Takashi Shirogane if I said that please shoot me." Shiro leaned down and kissed her solftly on the lips.

Pidges eyes widen and had to take a moment to realize what was happening, soon she slowly kissed him back. You could hear Lance yell at the two "NO PDA IN MY SCHOOL!" Lance shouted trying to contain his laughter. Pidge pulled away and giggled. "I should say the same to you." Pidge and Shiro walked over to the other couple. "Lets get inside before the bell rings."

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