Chapter Nine

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I'm going to try to not do any time skips, no promises though!

{Chapter Nine: Free from High School! Part 1}

Pidge P.O.V

The small girl sighed as she was sitting on the bathroom sink waiting for Lance to finish her hair. Earlier Lance had came by around 6 AM to make sure Katie was getting ready for the graduation ceremony today, of course those she was still sleeping. "I hate you." Pidge huffed. Keith and Shiro passed the door to see an angry Pidge. Shiro gave her a look and Pidge responded. "He woke me up at six AM. Six AM Shiro." The taller teen just laughed and shook his head. Lance would have to deal with a moody Pidge until she had her coffee. 

Meanwhile Keith hung out in Shiro's room waitng for everyone to finish getting ready. Lance finished Pidge's hair and the girl ran to her room slamming the door shut. "Katie Holt let me do your makeup!" Lance pounded on the door, begging the girl to let him in. "Never! You will go totally overboard with it!" Lance sighed in frustration and walked away. Katie walked over to her bed that her and Shiro set up yesterday. 

High school went by so fast, she never thought it would go this fast. Katie just wished Matt was here to see it, to see her. She graduate as the top student out of the entire school and her brother wasn't here to see her. Pidge shook her head and stood up. She threw on a white dress with a green belt around it, did some light makeup and finally put on her converse. The moment she stepped out her room Lance hounded her. 

"No way in hell are you wearing those shoes with that outfit, where are the heels I told you to wear!?" Lance whined, Pidge just rolled her eyes. "They were uncomfortable so I wore these." She shrugged and walked past Lance. "Morning children!" Mia smiled as she watched everyone sit down at the table, everyone but the couple. 

Shiro was trying to fix his tie but her couldn't get it, Pidge walked in and noticed this. "Do you need help?" She laughed a bit and walked over to Shiro. "No!" He said. "Oh come on." She giggled again and quickly fixed the tie, pulling him down bye it giving him a sweet quick kiss. "Ahem." Keith, Lance, and Mia stood in the doorway laughing at the two. "Breakfast time lovers!" Mia said in a sing song voice as she walked away. "Keith don't start! I have to watch you and Lance be all lovey dovey!" Katie growled at the two, suddenly shutting the two snickering boys up. 

The four headed back to the kitchen, Mia was just about done making the food. "Pidgey I made you peanut butter cookies last night." Pidge zoomed over to the counter and smack Lance's hand away from the cookies. "I swear Lance you touch one and I will hack your phone! Sending that one photo to everyone!" Lance quickly backed away from the plate and Pidge took them before anyone else could get them. Shiro laughed silently as he watched Lance mope around the kitchen. Shiro then turned to Katie and gave her a smile. She glared, he wanted her cookies. 






Pidge put three cookies on his plate, he really only wanted one but if she was giving him three then he would take all he could get. Lance's jaw dropped as he couldn't believe what he just saw. He only asked three times not even finishing a single sentence and she gave him three  not just one three. Keith just laughed at them, while Lance was still in shock. The doorbell then rang grabbing everyone's attention. Shiro got up. "I'll get it mom." He said and went to answer the door, he quickly opened it to see Hunk standing in the doorway all dressed up smiling. "Sorry if I'm late to the party!" Hunk joked. Shiro moved aside to let him know that he could come in. 

"Hey Hunk!" Lance said coming out of his shocked state to greet his best buddy. "Hey Lance, Keith, Pidge!" Keith mumbled out something along the lines of hello while Pidge just waved and went back to enjoying her cookies. Mia came into kitchen starting to rush everyone. "Hurry up and eat its seven already and we have to be there by eight! Move along come on!" Mia sighed loudly, a house full of teens was a lot of work. Everyone was usually downstairs or hanging out around town somewhere but today was just a lot of work. After a little while everyone finished eating started rushing even more, it was chaos. 

"Where did I put my phone?" 

"Lance you can get it later lets go!"

"Shut up Keith!"

"Shiro I can't find my bag!"

"Its over here Katie!" 

"Um guys I have to pee." 

"Go hunk!" 

"I found my phone!" 

"Okay got my bag!" 


Everyone was soon out of the house and into there designated cars. Mia took Shiro and Pidge, Lance and Keith went in Keith's car. Hunk went in his own of course. Then it was off to school, of course they were running late because nobody would listen to Mia.  Now that everyone was driving they could take a small breather. Katie just sat in the back of the car waiting to arrive at school. In less then five minutes they were all there. 

"Okay listen up children!" Mia said as they all got out of their cars. "By in the gym by twelve got it! Its free period all day for seniors. Don't cause trouble! Go." She shooed them while she got her stuff out of her trunk. "Shiro!!" 'Oh god' Pidge thought to herself. Allura didn't give up on Shiro, even after he told her that he was with Katie. She just grabbed onto him like Katie asn't even there. "Yea Allura?" Shiro was trying to be nice, he was her friend still but it was getting old and upsetting Katie and Shiro didn't really want that. 

"So are you free tonight! See Plax and Nyma are having this big party tonight and I want you and me to go!" Keith growled at the mention of those two. He had his own little problem with them, Lance just smiled at Keith and kissed his cheek. "No thanks, me and Katie are-" Allura stopped him before he could continue. "I don't care what you are doing with her its what you are going to do with me." Allura smirked a little and whispered something in Shiro's ear. Okay enough was was enough for Pidge. "Allura I am so sorry to ruin your little whatever, but Shiro is dating me. So please accept that stop being a bitch! Thank you!" The small girl said giving her a bitter sweet smile.

Allura scoffed and stomped her foot before walking away from the group. Pidge stood there for a second before glancing at Keith, suddenly the two started laughing hysterically. "Are they okay?" Shiro asked Lance who was just smiling watching the two. "Yea." He replied and glanced over to an angry Allura walking away. The two were finally calming down from their laughing session. Pidge looked over to Shiro and smiled at him, she walked over and hugged him giggling a bit. "I have always hated her." Pidge sighed. "Best thing you have ever said Pidge." Keith laughed a bit.



Okay one I am so sorry I haven't updated this summer has been a little busy for me. Also I am getting a job soon sooo. Anyway when this ends I want to make another Shidge fic? Idk if you want one tell me, this time it will be when their in space and stuff like that. Welp I'm out. See ya soon little moons!

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