Chapter Eleven

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((Before I start this I am ending this soon at chapter 15, one because I don't want to drag it on and also I have a special Shidge book coming out soon!! the rest of the book will probably be in non ones p.o.v))

{Chapter Eleven: Matthew}

Katie was shaking with fear and confusion, she hadn't seen her brother in years. She thought he was dead! So him being alive and in the same building with her was driving giving her a panic attack. "Shiro what if he doesn't remember me?!" Katie looked up at the taller teen with fear n her eyes. "He will Pidge." Shiro gave her a half smile trying to comfort the girl. "Is there a Kathrine Holt here?" A doctor said while scanning the room for the girl. "Yes!" Katie jumped up from her seat and swiftly walked over to the doctor.

"Hi I am doctor Ray." The women said with a small smile on her face. She gestured the two teens to follow her as she started to explain Matts condition. "Well I wish I could say he was doing good but I am afraid he is not." Katie stopped pulled her sleeves over her hands, it was a habit she had built from being nervous. "W-What do you mean?" She stuttered out, looking at the doctor her eyes watering a bit. "You see, while he was being held captive he um, they injected him with some unknown virus that seems to be fatal."

Shiro put a hand on Katie's shoulder. "Thank you doctor is that his room?" Shiro looked at the door the Dr. Ray had stopped at. She gave a quick nod and opened the door and urged them to go in. "Hello Matthew?" the Doctor said softly trying not to startle him. "You have some visitors today? Its your sister." Doctor gave one more look at Katie and walked out. "Matt?" Katie's voice cracked a bit. "Kit Kat?" A rusty voice said, the lights were dimed so it was hard to see in the room. Katie instantly grabbed Shiro's hand for comfort.

"Yea its me." While still holding Shiro's hand she walked over to the bed where Matt laid. He was a sore sight at the moment, he had many IV's him along with bruises and old scars, with some fresh stab wounds. "I really wished you didn't have to see me like this." He coughed a bit. "I'm glad to see you at all." Pidge looked at his body and noticed a something shiny on his left leg. "Matt what is that sliver thing?" She pointed to his leg. Shiro looked at it and new almost instantly who had taken Matt captive.

"Its my leg." He said dully, while looking the other way. "Its a robotic leg- Shiro its like you arm!" Katie spun around looked at Shiro's arm, as well as Matt glanced at it. "Shiro?" Matt sat up a little. "You mean Takashi Shirogane?" Katie then turned around again and faced Matt. "How do you know him?!" Katie raised her voice a bit, she was so confused at everything that was happening. "I don't know him directly but I have heard stories about-" Matt stopped and cough harshly before speaking again. "I have heard stories about him fighting in the cages."

"Cages?" Shiro looked at Matt trying to signal him to stop there, Pidge didn't need to know about the things he had to do. "Never mind that, I just have heard about him is all." Matt looked at Shiro's arm, it was almost identical to his leg except for a few changes here and there. "What happened Matt?" Katie asked gripping tighter on Shiro's hand, and him squeezing back lightly. "I was taken by this group called the Galra, they experiment on normal humans. They do mind experiments, body, fighting, and more. I was one of their body experiments. Also well as their chemical one too."

Matt gave another loud hacking cough before sinking back into the mattress. His eyes closing softly, he let out a sigh and spoke once more. "I don't have much time Kit Kat, maybe a week at the most. That viruis that they injected is slowly shutting down my systems." He mumbled out weakly. "That's not fair! Can't the doctors do some test or something!? I just got you back and I don't want to lose you!" Katie felt a few tears slide down her cheeks as she breathed harshly now.

"It could take months for them to get back. Plus you got Shiro, I am assuming he is your boyfriend correct?" Matt gave a small chuckle and opened his eyes. Katie nodded and glanced up at her boyfriend. "Then I am sure you are in good hands." Katie couldn't stand this at all, she refused to believe she was losing her brother for good. "No-"

"Kathrine! Stop you can't change something that is already in action!" Matt shouted at her and then regretting it quickly, as he winced in pain a bit. "I'm sorry Kit Kat I wished things would have turned out better." The room fell silent after he said that, Shiro was worried for Katie. How would this effect her? Would she spiral into another depression again? "Hey go get mom she should be in the cafeteria." She small girl nodded and left the tow boys to talk alone.

They waited a moment before for her to exit the room. "How did you get out?" Was the first thing Matt asked. "Someone from the inside helped me." Shiro responded to the male, Matt nodded his head and looked at Shiro. "Katie doesn't know about the cage fighting, does she?" Shiro sighed and looked at the door that the girl had just exited out of. "No, I haven't told her about them. I don't want her to think bad about me." 

"She won't, but I think its best to wait a little while." The room fell silent once more, it wasn't awkward silence it was more peaceful. Matthew suddenly spoke. "Shiro, I am not going to make it another day, I feel so much pain that they can't numb it! I feel my body shutting down. Promise me you will take care of my little sister. Please, don't hurt her more then she already has been." Matt said tears in his eyes. "I promise."


Welp how was that??? DID YA LIKE IT? I know its sad. Next chapter will be sadder I think? anyway I am going to start making my next shidge book sense this one is coming to an end in four chapters, I might do a prologue, idk. Anywho I have to go update Klance because its my baby bois birthday!! Good day y'all.

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