Chapter 3

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Not edited 4/24/17

{Chapter 3: Noticed Changes}

Day 2, 3 more days til the finals.

Pidge's P.O.V

"Okay do you think you understand it better now?" I asked Shiro looking up from his paper. "Yea thanks to you." Shiro smiled at me while pulling out his phone. "Are you gonna sit with us tomorrow at lunch?" Shiro said to me, I paused for a moment to think. Do I even want to? Allura was glaring at me the while time like she was going to strangle me. "Probably not." I said packing up my stuff. "Why not? It seemed like you had fun, and I know Keith and Lance wouldn't mind." He replied to me. "I don't think Allura wants me there." I said quietly, avoiding eye contact as best I can. "Allura doesn't want anyone at the table, come on Katie!" Shiro spoke trying urge me. I mean it can't be that bad could it?

"Fine you win, I'll sit with you again." I threw my book bag over my shoulder standing up smiling a bit. "So what are you doing now?" Shiro spoke again. "I'm going home. Probably gonna work on my coding skills." I said shyly. "Well me, Keith, and Lance were gonna go play football. You don't have to play you could watch us." I knew Allura and all the cheerleaders were gonna be there but I spoke before I could think. "Why not?" Shiro then grabbed my arm shouting a yes.


"Come on Keith those are weak throws!" Lance hollered to Keith who was struggling a bit. "Yea I know asshole!" He replied. I giggled silently and went back to messing with my phone. I was on the bleachers at the football field watching the boys practice. Then I heard clinks stepping onto the steps and towards me. I was praying for it not be Allura and her mini squad.

"What are you doing here nerd?" I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. Of course it had to be Allura it had to be. "Um Shiro invited me to watch them" I shut my mouth. "Why would he invite you?! I think the only reason he is inviting you to do things with us is because he feels sorry for you! I mean you have no friends and stuff." She kept going on and on and on and on. So I got my stuff and slid my phone into the side pocket of my bag and stood up. "You're might be right. So I'll just go." I started to walk away from the girls making my way off of the bleachers.

"Pidgey where ya goin'?" Lance yelled to me, I kept walking though. What was I thinking? That I could just join the group and everything would be fine? Like hell!! Nothing will ever be the same, not after Matt died. Nothing. I started thinking about Matt again. What would it be like if Matt was here? Would I still be acting like a tom boy and hanging out with Keith and Lance. Would I have more friends? I wouldn't be depressed all the fucking time I know that for sure!

"Katie Matthew Holt stop!" Keith yelled my full name, well shit I must have been zoned out if he yelled my full name. I now noticed I was in the parking lot with hot tears starting to come down my face. "Pidge are you thinking about your brother again?" Keith knows me so well, it is a blessing and a curse. "Why?!" I yelled a little wiping away tears. I never really get upset only if I start to think about Matt. "Why did you leave? Is it because of Allura? She's just being a bitch don't mind-"

"Keith! I want to be left alone! Its not that! Okay." I turned around and started to walk away again sighing loudly. "Why is Katie upset?" Shiro. I don't want him to see me like this, I don't want him to think I'm a crybaby. "Nothing. Its just she gets like this when she starts to think about her brother." The voices were getting farther away. I just needed to go home and work on some hacking and robots. That will calm me down.

--- No ones P.O.V

Keith was sitting on the bench panting while Lance was gulping down his water. "Man Pidge got really upset, you think she'll be okay?" Lance wiped away the water from his mouth and waited for a response. "Yea, she usually just hacks into a bunch of stuff and then calms down." Keith replied to his boyfriend. "She still does that? Man I thought she would be into girly shit the way she dresses and acts now." Shiro looked a bit confused at this and stepped into the conversation. "What do you mean?" He said. "Well when Pidge was younger in middle school, she would dress like her brother and act like a boy. She was into tech stuff hardcore!" Lance smiled and chuckled a bit remembering the younger Katie. "She hated being called Katie. Now she doesn't mind it I guess."

"She has grown a lot! Man her chest and height! I didn't remember her when I first saw her." Lance kept going on about her when she was younger. "Do you have picture of her from middle school?" Shiro asked. Keith nodded and pulled up one on his phone from her facebook. "Wow, instant change." Shiro noted. Keith nodded now taking a sip from his water. "If I wasn't gay I think I would go after her!" Lance declared, Keith then kicked Lances leg. "I wouldn't let even if you were. Man she is really sensitive about dating stuff to."

Allura was listening in on there little chat and she scoffed. "Stupid little bitch." Allura mumbled. Shay walked over and put a hand on her friends shoulder. "Don't worry I don't think Shiro has an interest in her anyway!" She chirped happily trying to calm her friend down. Allura gave a loud sigh and nodded. "Yea you're right! I am way hotter!" The sliver haired girl laughed and walked away. Shay sighed and shook her head.

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