Chapter Ten

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Not edited 7/23/17

{Chapter Ten: Free From High School! Part 2}

No ones P.O.V

Pidge sat in Mia's class room with Keith, Lance, and Shiro. She sighed softly before pulling out her phone, her mother had been texting her sense this morning. She had tried her hardest to ignore them but they were just getting to annoying no to, her mother said she was going to be here and she had a big surprise for her as well. Her mother had been mentioning Matt a lot in the text which was upsetting her. Shiro had noticed her mood and wanted to talk to her about it, but every time he tried she dodge the subject.

"Hey Shiro! Me and Keith are gonna go wonder around for a bit!" Lance said walking out of the classroom shutting the door behind him. Shiro now thought now would be the best time to talk to her. "Katie." Shiro said gaining the girls attention. "Yea?" Pidge turned her head, her hair swaying a bit. "What's wrong? You have been acting a little upset for a bit now." Shiro sat next to Pidge who was sitting on the teachers desk. "Its nothing to worry about." Pidge answered and looked up at Shiro was giving her 'I know your lying' face. "Okay! I'll tell you, just don't give me that look." Pidge laughed a little before becoming serious again.

"Its my mom, she said she is going to be here today. I don't mind her coming really its just." Pidge stopped. "Its just what?" Shiro looked at the small girl. He didn't realize till a week into dating that she never opened up to anyone other then Keith before. She had no one there for her after Matt disappeared. He was lucky she came to him when she was feeling sad or down. "She said she has a surprise for me and she keeps mentioning Matt today, I know she means well but I hate when she brings him up. My mom knows that and today out of all days!"

"Katie everything will turn out okay." Shiro stood up and kissed Pidge on the forehead smiling at her softly. "Don't worry, come on smile." Shiro gave her one more kiss on her nose making her giggle in response. "Thanks Takashi." Pidge jumped down from the desk smiling once more. "Come on lets go find the boys."

-----(Sorry for time skip)

Pidge was in the girls locker room getting her cap and gown on. She was nervous, very nervous. This was her last day of high school. She was ready to leave, she kind of was regretting not making any good memories here, yet the ones she did have were good enough for her. Her phone buzzed again, it was another text from her mom. She had a front row seat, she got here early for her. Pidge smiled a bit, maybe she could start to have relationship with her mother again. Things were looking up for her.

Mia rushed into the locker room, they were all behind schedule of course. "Okay girls go to the seats that you were assigned during practice. I have had a wonderful year with you all, and I will hope your future is bright." Mia smiled looking at her students she felt tears come to her eyes. "Oh my, look I'm getting all teary!" She laughed along with all the senior girls. They started to walk out one by one, some giving her a hug, or maybe a high five. Pidge gave her a smile knowing she would always see Mia.

All the students started to pile into the gym filling all the seats quickly. Pidge, Lance, Keith, and Shiro all sat next to each other. Everyone in the senior class voted Shiro to give a speech so he would be the one to give everyone the big emotional talk. The gym was silent and crowded, which was unusual for this school. The principal came walk onto the stage, and turned towards the flag, everyone stood up and said the pledge of allegiances. After the rest of the school board walked in the gym Shiro stood up and made his way towards the stage.

Pidge watched her boyfriend with a small smile on her face, he looked calm and confident but Pidge knew better. He was actually shaking with anxiety, she giggled silently. He walked on the stage and shook everyone's hand before making his way to microphone.He pulled out a piece of paper with his speech on it, she went over it last night fixing all his grammar mistakes and adding on some things here and there. She couldn't let her boyfriend go up there and embarrass himself.

"Hello everyone, I would like to start this speech out with thanking you all for coming out today. Now in about an hour all of the seniors sitting before you will become gradates of Voltron High. When I was little I always wanted to finish school and become an adult. I never knew how fast all that would come. I bet everyone can relate to that. Now we are here, sitting in this gym thinking. Wow I'm an adult now. It was hard work, all the state test and grades. Of course not without some parties to celebrate." Shiro paused, the audience gave out a small laugh or chuckle.

"Now in a couple years time where do you see yourself or maybe for the guest attending today your child. Now in school they teach us math, science, English, and history. What they don't teach us is life lessons, we learned those on are own throughout high school that will help us later in life. I see myself in a couple years going to college with a part time job, later married maybe? The one thing I that I won't forget about school is to enjoy things while you can, because they don't last for long. So after everything I said, I want you to all remember that everything we did yesterday and today will effect us and teach us new things. Thank you."

Shiro smiled and walked off stage the audience applaud at Shiro's  speech. He made his way back to his seat quickly. He sat next to Pidge and smiled softly, she gave him a smile in return grabbing his hand. They turned their attention back to the stage waiting for the next thing to happen. After what seemed like forever they started to call names up to the stage. Pidge was the first one up. "Kathrine Holt." Pidge got up and walked towards the stage. As she was walking up the principal started to speak about her. "Now this student graduate at the top of the entire school! She is a very bright girl who has a very bright future."

Pidge felt her cheeks flush lightly as she stepped up to the stage to accept her diploma. Everyone clapped loudly for her. She tried to hurry off stage and back to her seat quickly. Soon everyone else was called to the stage and the ceremony ended early then expected with being behind schedule and all. This was a new start for her.


Pidge took off her cap and gown putting it in her bag. She exited the locker room looking around for Shiro. This was exhausting for her little self, all she wanted was to go home and eat some peanut butter cookies while snuggling and watching movies with Shiro. She stood up on her tip toes trying to spot him in the crowd of people. She saw the little bangs of white hair and started to move towards him. "Shiro!" Pidge called out, she stopped quickly to see him talking to her mother. "Shit." She mumbled to herself. "Kaite!!" Her mother saw her and ran over to give her a little hug, Pidge let her hug her but she didn't hug back.

"Mom, you meant Shiro." Pidge said annoyed a bit glaring at him. He just shrugged and smiled sweetly at her. "Yes! I did, also I have the best news for you!" Pidge sighed and nodded her with a blank expression. "They found Matt." Her mother eyes lit up happily. "Alive?" Pidge felt like she couldn't breathe. She stumbled a bit, Shiro rushed to her side quickly. "Yes! He's in the hospital." Pidge felt tears come to her eyes. "Do you want to see him!?" Katie nodded her head quickly grabbing Shiro's hand, squeezing his hand tightly. He was alive.


One sorry about the bad speech I made Shiro say, please forgive me I had to look some stuff up for that. Okay so I had this chapter planned for a very very long time now. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go threw with it but I did. I hope y'all are okay with that. Plus another thing is going to pop up with Shiro and Matt, don't think I wouldn't connect them some how HAHAHAHAHAH okay good day little moons. ALso two updates in one day is like me saying sorry for the shortness of chapter 8

1520 Words

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