Chapter Five

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Not edited 5/27/17



Day four, one more day til final exams.

Pidges P.O.V

I was currently sitting next Lance and Keith in math. I was trying to work on my review packet for the exam tomorrow. I can't believe it was already Thursday, it felt like yesterday I had just started tutoring Shiro for the exams. I wasn't really nervous about the exam unlike Keith and Shiro. Although I don't think they need to worry about it, well at least Shiro. Lance kept poking at my side trying to get my attention. "What do you want Lance?" I ask in an annoyed voice turning towards the Cuban boy. "I need help on this question Pidge!" Lance slumped in his seat pouting. "I am not giving you the answer to it." I replied to him.

"But I will help you." I scooted over to him and started to work out the problem with him. The door slammed open to reveal Allura texting on her phone. "Allura you are late again." Mia said walking over to the sliver haired girl. "Yea so?" She mumbled walking over to her seat. "Well if you are going to be late to my class try not to make a big scene okay?"

"Sure thing Mrs. Shirogane." Allura said and rolled her eyes. "Oh I get it Pidge! Thank you smol bean!" Lance thanked me and patted my head shoving me back over to my seat. "So do you two want to study at my house tonight?" I asked looking back and forth at the two boys. "Yea, is your mom gonna be home?" Keith asked me. "No not tonight she has to work late so that's why I thought we could hang at my place, maybe Shiro can come?" I smiled a bit. Allura seemed to notice that his name had been said and walked over to us. "So is there going to be a study party at your house Katie?" Allura ask innocently batting her eyelashes. "Yea and you're not invited!" Lance growled.

"Well if Shiro is going them so am I!" Keith butted in the conversation. "You don't like Katie, so why go?" Keith looked up at her. "Allura if you are going to keep causing a distraction you can head down to the office." Mia said placing her hands on her hips with a scowl on her face. "No, I'll head back to my seat now." She trotted back to her seat pulling her phone back out. The bell rang signaling it was time for out free period. I gathered my things along with the two boys. 

"But to answer your question, yea I'll be over tonight." Keith gave me a small smile while Lance grabbed my wrist pulling me out the classroom. "Ow Ow Ow!!" I quickly pulled my arm away from Lance and rubbed it threw my sleeve. "Sorry Pidgey. Did I grip your arm to tightly?" Lance asked me. ", its nothing." I said looking away and saw Keith eyeing my wrist. I pulled my sleeves down farther making them cover my hand. "Lets go meet Shiro at the football field! Don't I have to meet Hunk?" I nervously smiled and darted out of the room.




I smiled running over to the taller teen. "Your earlier then I thought you would be." Shiro smiled at me while giving me a small hug. My heart beat started to pick up and I felt as if it was going to explode any moment. "Yea, Lance didn't stop at his locker so we got here quicker." I looked behind me to see Keith and Lance at the gate of the field talking to another teenager. He looked around are age so I was just going to assume that was Hunk. "Oh Shiro! By the way me and the boys thought we could study at my house instead of the classroom today. I mean because the test is tomorrow and stuff." I shyly looked up at Shiro. "Yea sounds like a plan!"

Tomorrow was the test, that means me and Shiro wouldn't get to spend time by ourselves together after school. I felt my stomach drop. Was he going to ignore me now, were things going to go back to the way they were when I was all by myself? I didn't want that. I didn't want to be alone again.

"Hey Shiro after the exams, are we still going to hang out?" I asked rubbing my arm, avoiding eye contact. "Of course!" I felt a smile form on my face as me and Shiro laughed. I heard Lance and Keith walk over with who I was assuming to be Hunk. "Hey Katie!!" Lance hollered my name. "Yea?" I replied me and Shiro walking a little bit to meet up with them. "This is Hunk!"

"Hey, I'm Hunk! Nice to meet ya!" Hunk held out his hand and offered it to me. "I'm Katie." I greeted back shaking his hand. "Hunk is back!!" I heard a girly scream from across the field, I looked over to where the voice was coming from and what do you know? It was Allura and her friend Shay I think her name is?

"Shay!" The taller boy smiled and looked at the blonde teen. Keith the grabbed my wrist and pulled me aside. I winced as he grabbed my wrist and as soon as we were out of earshot he went off on me, well sorta. "Katie, why do look like you are in pain every time someone grabs your arm?!" I did a nervous laugh and looked away from Keith. "You better not be-"

"I'm not! I promise! I just fell the chasing rover around the yard and sprained it." I defended myself. "Then roll up your sleeve." My eyes widen and I think my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. "Keithhhhhhhh" Lance whined for his boyfriend. "Lance needs you so lets go see what he wants!!"  I ran as fast as I could.


No ones P.O.V

Pidge finished putting out the snacks and drinks for tonight and turned the TV on. Her mom came rushing down the stairs late for work like she always was. "Okay Katie, don't make a big mess and only the three friends you told me about, and don't let them go into the kitchen because you know." Mrs. Holt grabbed her purse and keys and stood by the door. "I love you.." She turned to look at her daughter and then sighed stepping out the door. "Sure you do." The small teen mumbled. Rover came tumbling out of the computer room and jumped onto the couch. "Hi boy!" Pidge giggled petting her beloved dog.

Then after a few moments of her petting Rover a loud knock echoed threw the house. Pidge jumped up and threw on her sweater, rushing over to the door. Rover barked loudly jumping around the room happily, it wasn't often the Holts got visitors but when they did Rover was loud dog. "Hush boy!" Katie then opened the door to find Shiro, Lance, and Keith standing outside with their book bags. Rover instantly remembered Keith and jumped on him. "Woah there boy! You have gotten really really big!" The raven haired boy chuckled bending down to pet the dog. "I forgot Katie had a dog!" Lance said stepping inside the house.

"Yea, but Rover didn't forget Keith." Pidge replied. Shiro and Keith stepped inside and walked over to he couch. "Now remember we are studying, Lance!" Katie glared at the Cuban boy who was petting Rover now. "Really! But can't we just relax for a bit!?" Lance whined giving Pidge puppy dog eyes. "Yea I suppose me, Keith, and Shiro can sense we study our asses off." The small teen said smirking. "Lets get started." Shiro laughed, Katie sighed looking down at her notebook.

She didn't want this week to end.



I was wondering if you all wanted a spin off of klance from this book, like I have ideas and stuff. Let me all know. ALso I wont update for some time in June because I have anime cons to go to and prepare for so sorry. But I will try to update or at least edit the older chapters.

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