Chapter Six

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Not Edited 6/11/17

{Chapter Six: Sad Drunk?}

Day of the test-

No ones P.O.V

Pidge had already finished her test along with Keith and Shiro, Lance was still struggling to get his last few questions done. Allura was still on question 32 out of 100 and there was only 20 minutes left of the test. Mrs. Shirogane looked at everyone and noticed that most of the students were done. Pidge was doodling on a piece of paper that Keith had given her for notes to pass back and forth between the two. Keith nudged her wanting to write something to her.

Pidge passed the boy the paper. Keith started to write quickly on the paper in his girly hand writing. Pidge watched him as he put his pen down passing the paper back to her. The read the note. 'Are you going to the party tonight?' Pidge sighed and glared at Keith, he just shrugged in response. Pidge wrote back and slid the paper back to him. 'Do I even have a choice at this point?' Keith chuckled and shook his head.

Shiro looked up and saw the two passing the note back and forth. He smiled a bit looking at the two. Keith didn't really smile much around anyone besides Lance, so it was good to see him laughing. Shiro had grown attached to Pidge during the short week that they had together. During their study sessions that got to know a lot about each other in such a short time, some things serious and others cute small details. Like how Pidge loved peanut butter and peanut butter cookies, but hated peanuts. 

Or like how Pidge has severe depression from the murder of her father and brother. Shiro started at the small girl in front of him smiling to himself. The timer went off signaling the test was over and it was time to collect the test. Lance sighed in relief as he had just finished his last question. "Alright class that was it. You are free to go, have a great weekend and see you Monday morning!" Everyone cheered and started to leave the class room.

Pidge tried to escape before Lance came over. "OH PIDGEY!" Lance yelled to the girl. "What is it Lance?" She answered not before giving out a loud sigh. "The party tonight? Are you going!?" Shiro chuckled and walked over to the group. "I mean do I have to?" Pidge but pulled out her phone. "Yes! It is one of the biggest parties of the year! You have to!!" 

"Lance don't force her to do anything she doesn't want to." Shiro smiled at Katie kindly. Pidge slightly blushed and looked away. Lance bent down and whispered in Pidges ear. "Shiro will be there." Pidge almost instantly changed her mind. "I'll go!" She smiled looking at the three boys. "Yay!" Lance cheered happily. "Welp go get ready then! We don't have time to waste, we'll pick you up at 9 o'clock sharp! Be ready!!" Lance shoved the small teen out the door throwing her, her bag. She giggled a bit and started to walk down the hall. Lance was such a goof when came to things like this.


Pidge looked in the mirror, she had some light makeup on and a nice outfit. Some high waist shorts on with a shirt that 'aliens are real' with some brown boots. She smiled to herself nodding in approval at her choice of clothes. She heard a honk from outside, she poked her head out the window seeing Keith and Lance in the car. Lance saw her and smiled yelling out the window. "Get in loser were going shopping." Pidge rolled her eyes and laughed a bit. She rushed down stairs to see her mom drinking some tea. "Are you going out honey?" Mrs. Holt smiled. "Yea, I'll be home soon. Bye." Pidge rushed out the door hearing her mom say 'I love you' but ignored her.

"Lance stop watching mean girls while getting ready." Pidge said walking up to the car. "I can't help it, its such a good movie." Lance said. Keith rolled his eyes and spoke, "Yea right! I have had to watch that movie so many times with you I can recite the whole script." Pidge laughed aloud buckling her seat belt. "Okay let go bitches!!" Pidge shouted pumping a fist in the air. Lance started pulling out of the drive way, chuckling to himself.


They parked the car and got out of the car. Pidge was nervous, she had never been to a high school party, this was her first and last one. I mean high school was over for them in two weeks. Shiro pulled in with Allura next to him. "Of course she is with him." She mumbled.

Pidge sighed rolling her eyes making her way over to Shiro's car. "Hey guys!" Shiro called out to the group of three. "Hey buddy!" Lance smiled waving. As they got closer to the hosue Pidge could feel the vibrations of the music and loud cheering, it moved all threw her body making her heart beat faster. "I hope everyone is ready to party!!" Allura smiled and then noticed Pidge. "Oh you're here too." She mumbled. Pidge took in what the girl was wearing. She had a see threw top that showed her black lacey bra, her shorts were also black and very, VERY short. She also had open toed heels on. If this was the kind of stuff you wear to parties Pidge didn't want to come another one.

"Allura aren't you showing a bit to much skin?" Keith questioned the girl's style. "Of course not! Its a party and I have to look my best." She flipped her hair back and strutted away to the front door. "I tried to tell her that too, so did my mom." Shiro laughed and shook his head. "You look cute Pidge." Shiro complemented the girl. "Thanks, I didn't know what to wear so I just threw this on." She blushed a bit and walked towards Shiro. The four of them started to walk to the front door. Keith opened the door, once he did Pidge regretted coming. It was even louder inside then out.

The music blasted at full volume and lights flashed everyone, the smell of liquor was in the air as she breathed in. People mushed together dancing, grinding against each other. Keith and Lance headed straight for the drinks dragging Pidge along, while Shiro was swarmed with girls. Once all of them made it to the drinks table Keith turned to Pidge. "Have you ever drunk before?" He questioned the her. She shook her head in response, Keith looked at Lance. "She should be fine." Lance poured her a drink and handed to her. "Drink it slowly, or else you will be having regrets." Pidge nodded her head and started to drink it. The beer tasted bitter and malty also kinda refreshing. Pidge gagged a bit, she felt like she was going to throw up, yet she forced the rest down. "It taste weird." Pidge said to the two. "Yea you just have to get use to it. Drink a few more and you'll be fine." Lance said and started to drink his own. Quickly would they learn Pidge didn't have a very high alcohol tolerance.


"Keith~" Pidge Slurred as she wobbled back and forth. It had only been two hours sense they group had arrived. Everyone was drinking. Keith about 7 cups and was only a little bit tipsy, Lance had 5 and couple shots, Shiro wasn't even done with first one yet. Pidge on the other hand had only 4 and half drinks and was totally drunk. "Pidge I think its time to call it a night for you, you are hammered." Keith said trying to keep the girl standing. "No Keithy!! I want to stay longer!! I haven't had fun in a lonnnnnnnggggg time!" She giggled moving away from Keith only for Shiro to grab her. "Come on Pidge." Shiro smiled at the girl. "Well if Shiro said so~" She slurred once again walking towards his car. He opened the door for her and helped her get in and buckled.

 "Thank you cutie!" Pidge giggled again noticing Shiro's face turn a light shade of pink. He went over to his seat and started the car. the drive to Pidges was about a 15 minute drive. It was silent for a few minutes until Pidge spoke. "Shiro!" Pidge said with a smile. "Yes?" He said giving her a smile back but still focusing on the road. "I have a crush on you! A big one!" She laughed and looked at Shiro. "I don't even know how! I mean its really cliché too! I mean ever sense I meant you and became friends with Keith I stop cutting!" She laughed again tears starting to swell up in the corners of her eyes.

"Pidge-" Shiro couldn't get another word out before she spoke again. "Then Allura bullies me all the time and stuff but its okay, as long as I have you and the others. I don't want you to leave me Shiro. I don't get close to people because they always leave." Pidge was full on crying now. "Katie I'm not going to leave you." Shiro frowned and looked over at the girl who was starting to drift off to sleep. "I really like you Takashi, I really do." And with that she drifted off to sleep.

----------- Author Note

So how was that? Was it too much??? Oh well, I started a spin off klance book of the two got together and Allura isn't such a bitch in that book, and you learn why she starts to become one too!! Welp I gotta go practice love live dances til I die. See ya!!


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