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Krystal's POV

After we ate and clean the dishes, we settled ourselves in the sofa to watch some movies. I really don't wanna start the story telling soon. So I divert her attention to something else. I inserted a random DVD and just found out it was 'SAW'.
(A/N: my favorite!)

Yiyun is focusing on the movie, maybe, picking up some ideas how to torture and kill a victim in a creative manner. But for me, the movie is having an effect in the most unacceptable way!

Seeing so many victims screaming makes me wanna scream too. But in another way.... I looked at the person next to me. She was looking intently on the screen while biting her lips. I can tell she really is enjoying the sight. And I too is enjoying my sight from this angle.

'You want some help with that lip biting?' I mentally ask.

Man! I want her so bad right now! We just did 'it' few hours ago, but I feel like it was decades ago!
With her being so fashionably handsome today isn't helping at all.

Okay... You've already seen me head over heels to her, take note: in her nerdy attire. What more with this, that her humongous glasses aren't bothering my way! And her smell... Oh my goodness! Did she showered herself with perfume? The only times I have seen her in casual was during the trekking and last night. But this... Is this her usual get up every time she goes to the club?

Good thing I wasn't there because if I see someone looking at my Yiyun the way I look at her right now, I swear! I'm not gonna think twice on scooping their eyeballs out of its socket right at that moment! Just like what I did to...

'Oh forget about him Soojung!'

But really, My Yiyun is so F*ckin handsome.

Oh maybe this is Amber I'm sitting with?

Well I don't care because I still prefer her as Yiyun...
A bare naked Yiyun .... Kekekeke

"baby... Aren't you feeling hot on your sweater? Because I feel HOT just by looking at you."

"Really?" She finally tear her eyes off from the screen.

"Yeah...." I said while crawling to her like a Lion walking towards its prey.

She smirked.

"why don't you take it off yourself then?"








30mins later...

We are now cuddling in the sofa after we did it again.

(A/n: I told you, there will be less to NO smüts here. :P)

She's now hugging me from the back while I'm sitting on her lap, well, more likely, in between her thighs.

I guided her arms that were resting around my waist ...upper. ... And upper until it reached my bra line.


"Yes my prince?"
I flutter my eyes at her, thinking, she might ask for a round two.

"You sure are clingy huh?"


"I am!" I said confidently but deep inside I'm a little offended.
"So what?! Deal with it."

"Hmmmm"she snuggle her face on my neck. " you know I love it. I love every bit of it." Then she pecked my cheek.

That throw all my annoyance away on the window. I don't want to admit it. But I am also whipped by her sweetness.

"You sure know how to use your words right huh?" I said with a raised brow.

"Just telling the truth here. But seriously, your mood swings are really hard to deal with. Poor Kris"

She was expecting for my negation but she got none.

"You are not angry with what I said?"

"Nope, because what you said was true." I sigh. "He had a tough life because of me." I looked at the ceiling remembering his hardships because of me. "Imagining raising a child who have anxiety attacks, killer of animals... And A serial killer itself."

"Killer of animals? You told me you killed a cat and Kris never gave you a pet again?"

"So I guess continuation now?"

A/n: Suuuuper late and micro short update.


Have you heard the song with the lyrics:

Someone left the cake out in the rain, and I don't think that I can take it, cause it took so long to bake it. And I never had that recipe again.

Oh no...!!!!

Cuz that's exactly what I'm feeling right now. But I didn't bake any cake. It just that, my phone where I saved my drafts is still taking its hiatus right now. Its approximately 4-6 consecutive chapters plus another 3-4 chapters. It could be more because I haven't cut it into smaller chapters with just 1k-2k words. And no matter how I tried, I can't recreate those chaps again! The ideas were just jumbling on my mind and I barely remember the sequence. So I guess I really have to make it from scratch again?

(Author, close to tears now)

I'm outah here!

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