Plan Failed

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I went home to fix my clothes. Nothing much...
And when I say nothing much, I mean I don't wear much:

Do my smoky makeup

Put some colored extensions...

Spray some perfume...

And I'm ready to go.


@ the park.

Three guys are waiting for anybody to show up...

"I told you Minho, this is a prank! This must be the Dyke's plan!" Henry angrily shouted 

"Oh c'mon Henry, we are just waiting for a couple of minutes."

"But capt.! Henry must be correct, if the party is real, then why are we alone here? Where are the others?."

Minho read the invitation again:

you are cordially invited to the most eccentric party ever, exclusive for the coolest people. Don't mention this to the others, they might get jealous if they are not invited. ;)

Let's meet at the park and ride my car.

P.s. don't forget to bring this invitation with you.


*kiss mark*


"Just look at that freaking invitation! Only stupid people will fall for that bait! We didn't even bring our cars because YOU want us to ride the car of who ever wrote that sh!t !" Henry

"What if its the Dyke's kiss mark? That's gross!" Minhyuk

"You are right, this is nonsense, let's go."

And just before they walk off, an electric blue convertible sports car was parked in front of them and a lady showed up, leaning her back on the car's door.

"Hep hep hep... Where do you think you are going?" The mysterious girl called out.

"Holy mother of Cow ...Wow!" Minho exclaimed

"And who the hell are you?" Henry raised a brow.

"Don't be rude!" Minho shouted. "Hi. My name is Minho, may I know the name of the beautiful lady standing before me?" He asked.

"My name is Krystal. I'm your host for tonight's party." She answered seductively.

"We don't know you. We haven't even saw you" Henry interrupted

"Well its because its my first day in class... And yet, I already saw how cool you are ... So let's get going?" She said.

"No thanks, I'm leaving." Said Henry but quickly pulled back by Minho."He means, let's leave now so we can ride your car."

A smirk was plastered on the girl's lips as she opened the door for them.







@ soojung's mansion

Krystal's PoV

" wow, your place is huge!" Minhyuk roam his eyes all over while I set some music.

"Yeah, yeah, this place is huge, but empty. I thought we are here for a party, then where are the guests?"
Henry talked back again

"Ooppss... Sorry, you are the only ones who passed my 'cool meter' " I said then grabbed a bottle of vodka and starts drinking directly from the bottle. I let some liquid escaped my mouth and wet my top. "Don't you want to party with me?" I asked.

Soojung's Blood Thirst (The Butcher's Knife)Where stories live. Discover now