SJ's Reign: The Serial Killer

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~story telling~

I researched about Yiyun. Actually since I'm still not good in reading, I just take a look at the photos on the internet.

There are a lot of suspects being accused: some were middle aged men some were rebel groups, some were younger probably on they're 20's but really looks like a drug addict and they're all men. Suddenly I felt angry !

" how could these ugly people be mistaken as my Yiyun ?!"

I just looked at some of the photos of the victims but still, its blurred.

'its been more than a year when I last saw you my Yiyun, look how you become? you're already famous, while me? thinking slaughtering my neighbors' pets are the most exciting thing to do.' I thought

That night, Kris suddenly walked into my room.

"Soojung, I need to talk to you, can you promise me something?"

I didn't replied. I'm still not in good terms with him.

Like what does he expect me to react? After he grounded me that almost made me insane, (than I usually am) he will just barge in and ask a favor?!

"Soojung look, I need to go back to Korea something came up, and I cannot just leave you here alone"

my eyes glisten thinking that he'll be gone for a while  and I can do whatever I want.

"I cannot postpone this anymore..."

it must be an emergency because I know how Kris oppa is afraid for me doing 'stuffs' but he will leave me ? Let alone with a stranger? How important could that be?!

"I need to hire your personal nanny, while I'm away but please don't harm or hurt her. Be good to her."

"I promise oppa! And please take care" I said cheerfully, completely turning  my mood 360°.

It was the first time I spoke again after he grounded me. I gave him a reassuring smile.

He knows that I don't break promises. You already know it ! *wink wink*.

After about a week,  Oppa came back. He was extremely happy when he came back after few days of staying in Korea, he also has more time for me and he is less busy. He also let me go back to school.

but to tell you honestly, he was already too late....


After Kris oppa left, my nanny looked after me. Apparently, she's not a stay-in. Probably, he did it for precautionary measures. He might thought that I will do something on her sleep or she might discover something about me when I have my anxiety attack . So she just stay until dinner. Despite of this, I fulfilled my promise, I'm really really really nice to her.

" you're such a cutie Krystal.."
she said while pinching my cheeks
(only Kris oppa calls me Soojung aside from my late grand parents and appa)

"so I'll keep going, I'll see you tomorrow Kryssie!" she pinched my cheek again

Ugh! how I want to slice that hand off!

'soojung behave remember your promise to your oppa!'

"are you really now leaving Ms. Collins?"

"how many times I told you to just call me Annie ? just drop the formality Kryssie ok?"

'ms. Collins or Annie whatever.. it doesn't matter. If only not for my promise, you'll be a dead meat by now!'

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