Techie Mansion

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I watch her as she press the left eye of the lion knocker then its mouth opened. She inserted her hand on it. Since its getting dark, I cannot see what she was doing.

It took about 2 seconds before the eyes of the lion knocker lighted up to be color red, She then took out her hand. 

"Princess, give me your hand."she ordered.

" uh okay." I gave her my hand.

She then placed it to the mouth of the lion. I was thinking twice... What if that thing bit me or send electric shock to my hand. But I trust my prince, she won't let anything hurt me.

"Done" she said.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"I registered your fingers."

"Ohw." So that was a biometric?

She did the same to my other hand.
She then hold the door knob and open the big main door that's like made out of century old wood.

"What's the purpose of the biometric if we could use the door knob instead?" I asked.

"Because the doorknob has fingerprint censors, only registered fingers can open and lock it. Meaning only me and Kris, and now, you. But I'm the only one who can register and unregister fingers."

"Owkay..." I was once told about the security features of this mansion. And Kris was so afraid for me to go here. But I don't think this is something to be scared of. I'll just ask her some other time about it.

As soon as we stepped in, all the lights on the living room turned on.

"Wow. You are the only one who lives here? This is huge!" I exclaimed

"Well, I live with my brother, Püssy."

"I'm excited to meet him!, right Kitty baby?"


"OK, let's greet him first"

She then walked to a long drawer then took out all the decorations above it. She took out her fruit knife then insert its tip on the keyhole of the top most drawer. She pushed the top cover then she reached something inside it.

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