The Mission

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Krystal's POV

After Kris oppa told me that Yiyun only killed bad people, I kept on asking him about Yiyun's life and how she became like this.

He told me that he first saw Yiyun when she was 7 years old. It was during his surveillance to Hyuna, Yiyun's mother, as per Siwon's order.

Except from her boyish looks, she was the complete opposite of what she is today. He described her as an angel, but a broken one. She loves her mother so much but that love was returned by slap, kicks and punches but what's more painful are the insults she got from her mother that no child ever deserves. He said she looks wrecked, physically and emotionally and it was her mother who was at fault.

During the night that Kris oppa and his men have to execute the plan to force Hyuna to pay her debts in the group, unfortunately, the little child was also caught. Fear was evident in her eyes but not for herself but for her mother's safety. 

Kris oppa tried his best to save the two without compromising Siwon's orders. He even suggested for them to get the mansion as payment. But what  shocked him was when Hyuna ask them to just kill the kid and get her insurance instead.

Even I can't believe when he told me that. Hyuna chose the house over her own daughter's life!

It was then and there that Hyuna admitted why she hate that kid so much. She said she just used her so her husband would love her. She blamed her for her husband and unborn child's deaths. She threw insults to the kid and with every word, anger built up and that's when the current Yiyun was born.

"The kid said she doesn't want to be blamed for something she didnt do but in that scenario, she said... ‘I admit I YIYUN, killed this good for nothing woman!’ ... And I got chills when I heard that coming from an innocent looking kid." Kris oppa narrated. "You know very well what happened next to that right?" He asked me.

"Yes I know... Oppa, she's been through a lot! And she was just a kid back then.." I cried so much after hearing her whole story and that made me promise to myself.

"Oppa, I want to make her feel that she is well loved. I want to show her how much I love her"

"Will you promise to take away all the hatred in her heart and fill it with love?" He asked

"Yes oppa! I promise."

Through the years, I never let go on that promise. I made it as my inspiration to be better and be deserving for her. And of course also to be confident about myself. So when I'm about to enter college, I asked Kris oppa what I've been meaning to ask since then.

"Oppa, please let me study to Korea! I will do everything you want!"

"Why don't you just come back there when you finished college?"

"No way! What if my prince already found her own princess by that time? Or do you really want me to experience my most fatal anxiety attack?"

"Are you black mailing me miss Jung?" He said with arms crossed.

"Nope. I'm just stating the possibilities" I shrugged


"You are serious? Wahhh! Thank you oppa I love you so much!!!" I hugged him. I never knew that this will be this easy.

Or just what I thought?

"In one condition." He spoke that made me pulled away from him.

"What is it?"

"Do you remember your promise?"

"Of course I do! I will take away all the hatred in her heart and fill it with love!"

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