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Colby's  POV 

The day we got together, a fever caught her. I wanted a first date night, but no. As much as I love her, I hate this fever. And I will fix this quick. She sleeping in her bed. "Babe you need your medicine." I said "ok, I'm feeling a little bit better." Kay said. "Good, here you go." I said. "Can I talk to her in private?" Kat said. "Uhh, sure"

Kat's POV

I felt so bad. We actually started being friends, you know, getting along. Sam is confused on how it happened, but the doctor can't answer that question. " hey, doing any Better?" I said "yea, that medicine works fast." Kay said. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I loved talking to you and getting to know you today." I said. "Me too." She said drifting asleep. So I walked out quietly. "Sam I feel so bad for her, I really want to know how it happened." I said in tears. "Awe, babe me too, it's ok to cry. She's pretty much your best friend now. Come here sweetie." Sam said in a soft scared way. We turned on a movie and fell asleep.

Kaykay's POV

Im truly, honestly, doing a lot better. Colby has been keeping company and very loving every since I got in this room. "Babe thanks for taking care of me I love you so much."I said. "Baby, I love you too, and your welcome."he said. "I'm doing a lot better, can you check my temperature?" I asked. "Yea, ok" he said. "Your temp is 94, your all better baby." Colby said. "Well I'm gonna get I the shower." I said. "While you do that, I will wash your blankets." Colby said. "Thanks baby." I said.


When I walked in my room there was a note, it reads,

"babe get ready we're going out."

I hate dresses so I put on more date-like clothes. I put on a tight long skirt and a black button up shirt, And high heels. My hair was in braids so I put them in a high bun. Once I walked out the door Sam and Kat were standing there. They both grab one of my hands. It was almost like a wedding. Colby was standing out side with a tuxedo on, a note, and flowers . His smile made my heart drop. I'm a sensitive person, so I cried. I ran and gave him a hug. He opened the door for me and gave me the flowers and the note. The note reads,

"I love you, and will love you till my dying days. Tears will fall, arguments may happen, but I will never stop loving you.
Love, Colby Brock .

With tears running down my face, I thank him, hug him, and of course, kiss him.


We finally pull up. I honestly don't know what this place was, but it is Italian. As we were sitting at the table, he received a text.

"Who's that's?" I asked

"uh nobody." He said

"Colby give me your phone!" I yelled

He put his phone in his pocket so I get up and get it it.

The text reads,

"Hey babe, haven't seen you in awhile I'm miss you."

COLBY HOW COULD YOU, WHY WOULD YOU CHEAT ON HER, MATTER OF FACT, WHY WOULD YOU CHEAT ON ME? WE HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN DATING FOR A DAY YET! Don't talk to me and don't show your face at my house. If Sam and Kat want to stay with you, they're welcome to. Never talk to me, and don't bother texting me." I said sobbing.

"Kayla wait!" He said running after me

I don't have a car so I have to walk home.

I'm almost half way there, "baby you can't walk, it's raining." He said driving by me

"Leave me alone, you're just like you were before." I say running away.


"Sam, Kat, if you want to stay with Colby go now." I say in tears

"What did he do" Kat asked

"He cheated on me." I said

"I'll stay with you, Sam go to Colby's house." Kat said.

Colby's POV

I screwed up, Bad. I was so in love I forgot about Ashley. How will I get her back.
                                                        *knock knock*
I opened the door, Sam was angry.

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