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I ran to them curious to know what was wrong.

"What happened." I asked.

"I got an evicted from my house." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Too much noise." She said.

"Wow." I said not knowing what else to say.

Everyone ran to them, and gave them a hug.

"I guess they're moving in!" Elton said.

"All our stuff is in the car." She said.

We helped her move in. I could tell they were sad. Next thing you know I'm getting shoved in a room. It was dark so I couldn't tell who it was.

"Hey." SHe said.

I could tell it was Katrina.

"You scared me, what's up?" I asked.

"I need your help. Liza and David got pranked and they already moving in." She said.

"Oh no, idk." I said.

"Will you help me?" She said.

"Of course." I said.

We walked down the hall where her room was and got Colby.

"This was all a prank and she already moving in. What do I do?" Katrina asked.

"Tell her, I'm sure she'll understand or get her boyfriend to tell her, I think she wouldn't be so mad." Colby said.

"GREAT IDEA!" Katrina yelled.

We told David he wasn't mad but he said Liza would be mad but not really mad.

"Hey, Liza" David said.

"Huh?" She asked.

"This was all a prank!" He said laughing.

"Babe, how will I get out now." She said laughing.

"Not my prank." He said.

"Who did it?" She asked.

"Katrina." David said.

"KATRINA, good one." She said laughing "and since you did it, you're helping move out, in the morning, it's to late." She said.

"I was planning to." She said.

We went back to the fun but with Liza and David which made it even more fun. In the morning everyone helped get the stuff in the car but Katrina left with her.

"Colby!" I yelled.

"Huh!" He yelled back.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm the kitchen." He said.

"Ok." I said.

"Sam come in he's in the kitchen." I whispered.

"Kayla, stop." He said.

"What." I said fake laughing.


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